I often make life – and particularly my relationship with God – much too complicated.  I imagine an endless list of obligations, “shoulds,” and “musts.”  But really walking with God is simple and straightforward.  One Old Testament prophet named Micah framed it like this:


He has showed you, O man, what is good.
            And what does the LORD require of you?
            To act justly and to love mercy
            and to walk humbly with your God (Micah 6:8).


To act with justice, mercy and humility is all God requires.  When I pray I would do well to remember this simple prescription.  If I live making just, merciful, and humble choices, and if I approach God praying for justice mercy and humility, then I please him.


“God, your ways are not a mystery.  You’ve told me the way.  Teach me justice.  Give me justice in my heart and a strong passion for your justice in the world.  May I work for and pray for the triumph of what is right!  And this began in the relationships closest to me.  You have shown me mercy; show me how to extend mercy to others.  I come to you in humility.  That is all, and all you require!”

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