So I’ve gotten quite a bit of response–both on this blog and off–from “To Pray or Not to Pray“. I’ve heard from alot of you that you think it is ok to continually pray about a situation, in my case, praying about a mate. I’ve certainly taken your words of wisdom in stride. My mom actually responded to this post on Facebook and she said the following,

“If what you are praying for is dear to your heart, then you should pray until you get an answer.” –Mom

I agree with her regarding my prayer being about something that is dear to my heart and praying until I get an answer. Why not? If I know how to be persistent in other areas of my life, then, why not be persistent in my prayers? I’d be no different from Jacob, who, while wrestling with God told him explicitly, “I will not let go unless you bless me.” So why not pray until he answer me? 

But of the comments that I received, the ones that resonated most deeply with me were the ones that helped me to remember that my prayers to God are to be regarded just as I would regard a conversation with a friend–of course with more reverence. The point that the first two commenters Juana and Tanya made, is that we talk to our friends continuously about what concerns us. We may talk to them until there is a resolution–and even if there is no resolution in sight. But we keep talking about our concerns with our friends because we know that they are listening to us, but most of all, talking out our concerns with out friends releases the frustration and stress and allows us to walk away with some semblance of peace. It’s not different with God save for the fact that God will never grow tired of hearing about our problems. That was such a wonderful reminder and I wanted to share the boldface points I received from Juana and Tanya with you:

The thing that I am learning about prayers is that as I pray or talk to God, God helps me work through my frustrations and doubt to provide some level of peace about the situation. It is through prayer that sometimes the answers come. And even in those times when they don’t, at least I’ve gotten the weight off of my chest. Besides, when my friends are tired of listening to me moan and groan, I know that God isn’t. –Juana

Prayer, just like any conversation we have with friends about a pressing matter, is a way to obtain advice or peace, and it ultimately empowers us to whistle while we wait. Sometimes we need several conversations to get there. Lord knows I need to whistle a WHOLE LOT about some things, so we talk often. –Tanya

So here I am on the other side of this “To Pray or Not to Pray” debate and I’ve walked away with my answer, that I am going to keep praying. I’m going to keep praying because God is my friend, a friend who sticks closer than a brother and the peace he offers me passes all understanding. He is going to able to comfort me in my season of singleness and he is going to be able to mold me into what He wants me to be to be a suitable mate for someone else. But most of all I will keep praying because, in the midst of my protracted singleness, I’m actually rather whole and the love I’m searching for is right in front of my face, waiting for me to come and talk to Him.

Thanks to everyone who shared their advice and were very transparent on this matter. I know it’s a sensitive one for the Christian woman, but by and by, if we trust in God and keep seeking His face, He will see us through.

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