Thursday is Thanksgiving: a feast, in the real, old, traditional sense of the word. “Feast” means more than food. Oh, feasting involves food, thank The Lord, but the essence of the celebration goes beyond gorging ourselves until we can’t walk. Feasts are really about remembering, about passing traditions and stories and faith from one generation…

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The big chair at the end of the Thanksgiving dinner table will be empty this year. My father died a year ago last April. I tell about his story and mine in my book, “The Karma of Jesus.” Yes, I miss him always; I’ll miss him deeply on Thanksgiving. My father loved to tinker in…

For the first time in probably five years, if not more, I am spending Thanksgiving with my family. It is not because I was estranged from them, but more so because the cost of plane tickets deterred me from going. But this year, a way was made for me to be with them and I…

There will be two empty chairs at our Thanksgiving table this year. One I’ll talk about tomorrow. The other will represent our daughter Ellie who graduated from high school last December and two weeks later hopped on a plane for Africa. She’ll spend Thanksgiving in Zimbabwe with her team of young medical workers. Three are…

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