“God, you take sides. Truth and love are your nature, and when something happens that betrays truth and love, you resist. I stand with you for truth and justice, in love. I am confident you will support me. This legal matter I’m facing is a matter clearly outlined by your standards of scripture. Based on this, I ask you to act on my behalf.

I know I am far from perfect. Deceit has corrupted the world, and I am guilty of it as well. You have been good enough to confront me, and have already begun to rebuild my life according to your right standards.  So I recognize that before I can ask for your justice I must admit my need for mercy.

I also extend mercy and pardon to those who have harmed me. When I receive forgiveness, I must give it as well. By forgiving those who have been unjust, I place this matter in your hands to work out what is right and just. It is no longer my business to enforce a resolution.

I trust you here and now to do this. I appeal to you to act for justice sake, for the reputation of your own good name. Bring this painful matter to right – a righteous – closure. Work as my advocate, my attorney, and as the impartial judge who decides fairly on behalf of truth. I plead for a right outcome. I plead for mercy. I plead for justice.

I trust you. You are good, all the time. Not all things in this world are good. But you are, and you work goodness in all things, when I trust you. Resolve this lawsuit in a way that honors justice and mercy…

In Jesus…”

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