“God, we have a big decision before us. Should we – or not – purchase the house we’re considering? You invite us to ask for wisdom. In James 1 you say it directly: ‘If anyone lacks wisdom, let them ask…’ We’re asking. We’re not smart enough and we don’t know enough of the future to know for certain if this is a fitting investment for us. You do. As you children we’re asking you, our father, for direction. You know all the nuances involved. Guide us. Lead us, as Jesus says, ‘…not into temptation.’ But instead, lead us into the land of blessing you promise. Our pending question: Is the house we’re considering our ‘promised land?’ So speak to us through our own hearts, through the counsel of others we trust, through the circumstances we can’t control, and through ways we can’t imagine. We trust you; and we trust you to guide our lives and our life decisions. This one is big, and it matters. Thank you that we can believe you desire the best for us and that you have the perfect home for our family, a home you will share with us! In Jesus.”

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