Psalm 72 outlines a beautiful prayer for a political leader. Today’s prayer (verses 4 – 11) has much to say about the heart of a godly leader. He or she is one who has a great deal of compassion and concern for the poor and disenfranchised.

Let’s pray for the President of the United States today…and everyday. Sadly, I know of Christians who find it difficult to pray for leaders outside of their political party.

Pardon us, Lord. You are not partisan. You have asked us to pray for our political leaders, and we will simply obey.

Pray these requests today for our leader, President Barak Obama.

  • Ask that he would defend the poor (vs. 4 – this is a reoccurring theme in this Psalm!)
  • That he would work to rescue the children of the poor (vs. 4), including unborn children
  • That he would come down hard against those who oppress the poor (vs. 4)
  • May he have a sincere desire to comply with God’s way of making decisions. (vs. 5)
  • That his term of leadership would be refreshing. (vs. 6)
  • That all would enjoy abundant prosperity. (vs. 7)
  • May he be held in high respect by foreign dignitaries (vs. 9-11)

Let us not sin against our leaders by ceasing to pray for them!

Our Father, we ask for a season of refreshment to come upon our country. Defend the poor, the children of the poor, and the unborn children of our land. May those who seek to hurt the poor be brought to justice. May our President and his staff make decisions that are fitting with godliness. Let there be abundant prosperity for all. And may our President grow in favor with leaders around the world. Amen

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