“The Lord knows people’s thoughts; he knows they are worthless.” Psalm 94:11

A Penny for Your Thoughts… Most of our thoughts aren’t worth a nickel.

The Lord knows our thoughts, and unfortunately most of the time we must bore Him silly. Our thoughts are often uninspiring; they are often untrue, often fearful, often negative. But we are becoming Word people – people who study God’s Word and adapt our lives to reflect what He instructs us to do. The Word spells out a very specific critieria for valid thoughts. We can use this list as a sieve, a purifier of sorts for each thought that attempts to take root in our minds:

“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” (Philippians 4:8 NLT)

First on the list is true. Is this thought true? If not, out it goes.

Is it honorable? Would it bring honor to you, to God, or to others? If not, out it goes.

Go down the list with each one and watch how many thoughts are eliminated when we disqualify subjects that don’t meet the criteria. When we get ahold of our thought life and when we let the Holy Spirit guide our thoughts, our whole lives change. We become positive people, confident, and strong even when we face the toughest battles. Let’s pray for the mind of Christ.

My Father,

I am often plagued by thoughts that are negative, uninspired, and discouraging. My thoughts often descend to the lowest common denominator. That is not your plan for me. Help me, Lord, to arrest every thought and make it obedient to you (2 Corinithans 10:5). I choose to direct my thoughts to You, turning away from the darkness into Your bright light. I will think thoughts that are true, honoring to you , myself, and others, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy. In fact, I will do my best to think about Your love for me all day long. 

In Jesus’s Loving Name. Amen




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