“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.” ~Colossians 3:23
My Father,
Give me grace to engage my heart in my work today. You wouldn’t have me merely go through the motions of getting my work done so I can pick up a pay check; your expectation is that I would work wholeheartedly as if You were my boss, for ultimately, Lord, You are!
Grant me favor with my co-workers. Help me to walk in love with each one, forgiving them as you have forgiven me for all my grievances big and small.
Give me discernment, wisdom, understanding and insight to do my job well and thoroughly, constantly improving and honing my skills with every opportunity.
Make me teachable, open to input and correction, humble enough to receive both affirmation and criticism.
Put a guard over my mouth that no negative or unkind word would pass my lips.
Keep me grateful today and place a song of thanks in my heart as I go about my duties.
Thank you for providing a job for me. Thank you for all you have done, are doing, and will do according to Your best plan for me.
I love you, Lord.