A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body;
    jealousy is like cancer in the bones. (Proverbs. 14:30 NLT)

 A calm and undisturbed mind and heart are the life and health of the body, but envy, jealousy, and wrath are like rottenness of the bones. (Amplified Translation)

One of the greatest secrets to good health is having a peaceful heart.  How can we find peace of mind and body in the midst of our hectic lives?

  • By having our minds renewed by the Word of God in the presence of God
  • By simply giving our cares to Him in prayer one by one
  • By exchanging our cares for his peace that passes all comprehension.

My Father,

You know the stress points in my life. One by one I hand them over to you. I lay them at your feet, knowing that you care for me even more than I care for myself. I give you all my fears, anxieties, pain, sin, burdens, and worries. I surrender all of that to you. And I receive from you, Prince of Peace, the quiet fortitude of your Holy Spirit, the peace that stays calm even in the battle, the confidence that doesn’t diminish when everything around me shakes profusely. 

Please cleanse me of all negative emotions towards others. Forgive me for jealousy, covetousness, envy, and anger. Help me to rejoice with those who rejoice. And then please, Lord, grow me up to maturity. Renew my mind in your Holy Word, and give me your great joy. As I walk in your love, I know the level of Peace will grow in my heart and expand and spill over to others. That peace will be a source of health to my body, and for that, I thank you in advance. 

I surrender myself to your leadership, Your Lordship. I love You, Father, and I thank you for your Spirit living and abiding in me. Thank you that I have the power that Jesus has promised to withstand every trial, temptation, and test. 

In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

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