“Do not even talk,” Joshua commanded. “Not a single word from any of you until I tell you to shout. Then shout!” Joshua 6:10

“Be still, and know that I am God!” Psalm 46:10

The Israelites had messed up God’s plan and suffered the consequences. Finally, after a trip that should have taken a few weeks was stretched to forty years, these former slaves were about to receive their promised land. How were these young, homeless people going to conquer a land? Only with fearless faith and obedience to the specific instructions of the Lord.

They were instructed to be silent for six days of marching. Why, we wonder? Most likely because in the middle of battles, we had best nip it. If given the opportunity to chat, the Israelites might have been heard saying things like, “How in the world are we going to overcome this wall of resistance?” And, “Did you see the size of that enemy army? We are doomed!” In moments when we feel overwhelmed, keeping our mouth shut is good advice. Open it only to shout the victory. In this case, they shouted before the miracle happened. Our cry of victory can be a sacrifice of praise offered to God before He sends the answer to our prayer.


I want to fix my thoughts on the truth of your ability to rescue me and meet my every need no matter how overwhelming it seems to be. Help me to be quiet and still, to ready myself to shout when you give the word…a shout of praise to our God who hears my prayers and who is true to every promise uttered in Scripture. Keep my tongue from speaking fear-filled words and worst-case scenarios. In times when the battle is raging, I choose to be quiet unless I’m shouting my praises you. 

In Jesus’ Name, Amen

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