“Return to me,” says the LORD of hosts, “and I will return to you.” (Zechariah 1:3)


Thank you for loving the prodigals.

Thank you for your willingness to allow them to make the first move towards relationship with you once again.

Thank you for your patience, being unwilling that anyone should perish.

Thank you for angels.

Thank you for sending people to help and encourage and save them from danger.

Thank you for your promise of rescue. Thank you that you hear our call for help.

Thank you for your exceptional love. Thank you that you leave the obedient ninety-nine to find the one, stray rebel.

Thank you for freedom from fear. Thank you for using trials to teach us great truths and new depths of self-awareness.

And thank you for the stories of your miraculous intervention that we will soon share with the world as we comfort others with the comfort we have received from you.


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