Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered. (Psalm 68:1)

For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:12)

Today we will lift up a prayer for victory in the spiritual battles we are facing, for we truly live in a spiritual battlefield. Is Satan hounding you, seeking to devour you and what belongs to you? Then join in this prayer of faith:


Rise up in your mighty strength. I entreat your presence and the manifestation of your power in the battle I am facing today. As I lift you up in praise, faith, and thanksgiving I ask for your strong arm to show itself in great acts of victory on my behalf. The battle waged against me is real and intense, but your power is much more Real. Arise, Oh God! Arise in this struggle, and scatter the enemy. Confuse the demons assigned to this situation. They shall not prevail when I wield my great sword – the Sword of the Word of God; indeed each and every promise therein is mine for the claiming! So bring confusion to the armies of hell that are seeking to kill, steal, and destroy me and what belongs to me. I clap my hands today to celebrate your mighty power! This battle belongs to you; I am a participant only in my faith to stand firm and watch it happen. So in the mighty name of Jesus I will stand firm, unwavering in my faith in You, for You have never failed and you never shall.


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