“I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent.” (Luke 5:32)

Jesus hung around folks that weren’t church-goers. He associated with broken people, people who were considered “sinners” by the religious elite. I was once among that religious lot until the hand of the Lord got ahold of me (Jill) and showed me my self-righteousness and pride. I was easily offended, holier than thou, and generally a religious snob. But praise God, He set me free! And now, in my brokenness, I qualify to be the kind of person Jesus feels comfortable with!

Once I became self-aware of my sinfulness, I struggled with condemnation. But after applying Romans 8:1 to my heart over and over, I can now rejoice that, as a redeemed sinner, I gave Jesus a really good reason to come to earth! I grieve for the suffering I caused Him, but He found me worthwhile enough to take it on. Let’s pray that we would be the very people Jesus would love to talk with, walk with, share with, eat with, go to weddings with, pray with, simply hang out with… and die for.


Please root out all religious snobbery from my soul. Help me to understand myself, to be aware of my attitudes that aren’t in line with your Word and the essence of Love, and please set me free from all self-righteousness so that I can be of use in Your Kingdom and in this world.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen

So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:1)

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