“But with God everything is possible. ” ~The Carpenter

“Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.” ~The Carpenters

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As I begin a new week, I lay before you my whole self, spirit, soul, and body. I ask that you would recalibrate all that I am to align with your great will for me. May I keep my thoughts in line with your thoughts, my desires in line with your desires, my words aligned with your Word, and may all I do bring you pleasure.

First, I ask that you would pour out your love into my heart through the Holy Spirit. May I have the power to experience Your love. May I bear fruit that will give you glory today. Holy Spirit, please fill me up, empowering me to do the will of God from my heart.

I want to be about your business, Lord, not my futile busy-ness. You are all about forgiveness, so give me grace to overlook offenses. Remind me that my enemy is not flesh and blood but evil spirits who seek to undermine my purpose in this world.

I refuse to be deterred! I refuse to be discouraged! I refuse to be disqualified! I refuse to be daunted!

My charge to myself this morning is right from Your mouth: “With God nothing is impossible.” I’m with you, God! And I know you are with me, for you said you would never leave me or forsake me. Thank you!

Now, let’s do this thing! Let’s have a blessed day, You and me, Holy Spirit, for nothing is impossible when I’m with You and You’re with me.

In Jesus’ Name Amen!

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