The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. (Proverbs 18:21)


What if our words carried a scent with them – our negative words a stench and our positive words a refreshing fragrance? In a sense, they do.

One is a vile stench, the other perfume. One is poison, the other a balm.

Jesus says we will be called to account for every word we utter. Why? Because words have creative power. God spoke words and the universe came into being. He said, “Light, be!” and light was.

If we could see the force of the power of our words, we would be much more careful and intentional in our conversations. Let’s determine to spread the fragrance of Christ and not the stench of death and decay with our words: pray this plain and simple prayer with us.


I cringe when I recall the negative words I have uttered that have brought pain to others and decay to the world. I thank You that You have the power to wipe them away with Your blood which forgives and cleanses me from all unrighteouness. I don’t have to walk around condemned any longer!  I am forgiven! I am cleansed!

Lord, I am asking today for a fresh revelation of the power of my words. I ask You to guard my tongue, giving me great self-control to only let pass through the gates of my mouth what will be helpful to others and pleasing to You.

Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. Get me out of the pit of negativity and on top of the mountain with words that elevate You, others, and even myself.

Forgive me for talking down on myself. I am fearfully and wonderfully made! My soul knows this full well, and I refuse to argue with my soul any longer. I reject anything other than Your Word which tells me I am a chosen person, a royal priest, and part of a holy nation!

I thank You for transforming me from the inside out by changing the way that I think. I choose today to obey Your Word which instructs me to ponder only things that are true, honorable and right and pure and lovely and admirable; I will think about things that excellent and worthy of praise. That limits me to think mostly of You today! For You are ultimately all those things. And the gifts You give me, both large and small are so very good. I turn my attention and my words to praise today to Your glorious name, for You are worthy of praise and You have made me worthy to be called Your child!

In Jesus Name


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