So the last will be first, and the first will be last (Matthew 20:15,16).


The Kingdom of God isn’t fair. It is just, but just not fair. This is actually a bit of wonderful news for most of us, which is exactly what the word “Gospel” means:  good news, news that encourages our souls and gives us hope for not only this life but for whatever comes next.

Jesus tells the story of a landowner who hired workers at various times of the day and paid them all the same wage, even the ones who came at the “11th hour.” When the hired workers who worked the longest argued that this wasn’t fair, the landowner in Jesus’ story responded, “Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?”

Jesus retains the right to reward anyone in His Kingdom regardless of how long they have served Him. Again, this is the best news.

The Kingdom operates by it’s own rules of inclusion. No matter how you’ve lived your life, if you give your life to serve Jesus even at the 11th hour of your days, you will get the same reward as someone who never left His service since childhood.

That’s why He could say to the thief on the cross, “Today you will be with me in paradise.” Jesus is so generous and kind. He wants everyone to come to Him, barring none but those who exclude themselves.

Why not make this your 11th hour? Don’t presume to wait; this moment might very well be your 11th hour. Make Jesus the Lord of Your life today by praying this plain and simple prayer. Then you, too, can enjoy the benefits of working for Jesus in the Kingdom of God, for He pays generously – giving you a rich and satisfying life, rich in joy and satisfying with peace that nothing or no one else can afford.


I choose today–be it ever so late in the game–to give myself to You, spirit, soul, and body. Take this broken down life of mine and do something with it.

I step down from the throne of my life and place You firmly there. I have tried and failed at running my own life. It’s all Yours.

Jesus, please forgive me for my stubborn, narcissistic ways, thinking I knew more than You. Forgive me of all my sins – far too numerous to count.

Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and baptize me in His powerful presence so that I will be empowered to do the things Jesus did in this world; I want to do for others what You are have done and are doing for me, giving me peace for the first time since I can remember.

I worship You with my heart and soul and mind and strength. I celebrate all You are doing and will do in and through me now.


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