I pray that God, the source of HOPE, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident HOPE through the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13)
On any given day one out of ten people are experiencing depression at some level. The Bible offers hope. This hope yields real peace and joy that nothing else can offer.
Has joy and confidence eluded you? What are your expectations in the future? You can have hope if you put your trust in God the Father through His Son Jesus who is the only source of the true hope for which we all hunger. I (Jill) battled depression for many years, and even though I knew Jesus as Savior, I hadn’t received the blessing of hope that He had to offer me. After I made Him Lord and aligned myself with His truth, depression left and the joy journey began. The circumstances didn’t change immediately, but how I viewed those circumstances did change. HOPE is yours, my friend, if you take Jesus up on His offer to give it to you.
According to your Word, I find HOPE in relationship with you. As I put my HOPE and trust in you, Your Word promises that I will be filled completely with joy and peace. In fact, I will be so filled with these virtues that I will overflow with them. This HOPE will not be an empty wish but a HOPE that has substance and great confidence through the power of Your Holy Spirit that lives in those who believe. This world and all it contains cannot offer me HOPE. Only with the reality of you living in me, can I have HOPE. I receive your Holy Spirit anew today. I align my heart with the truth that Jesus taught, and I receive HOPE from you, my Father. Fill me to the full with HOPE today and allow me to be an encouragement to those around me who are hopeless.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.