Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever. (Daniel 12:3)

A star led ancient scholars through the desert to bring honor to a child they believed to be monarch the world. If we are wise, we can shine like that star this Christmas and lead our friends and family to our humble, powerful Jesus who came to transform our lives, bring us truth and true meaning, and rescue us from ourselves with our slavery to destruction.


Cause me to shine during this Christmas season so that the people I encounter at work, home, gatherings, or wherever life takes me will sense the power of your light in me. May they long to pursue that light for themselves. Thank you for the people that have been that star in my life. I praise you for their love, wisdom, and kindness to reach out to me and draw me closer to you. How I long to be that for others. So I am asking, purify the light of Christ in me and cause it to grow in brilliance and lead many to your throne of mercy.

In Jesus’ Name Amen

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