Prayer Plain and Simple is a blog about prayer, but not in the traditional bowed heads, clasped hands, on your knees sense. This is about making prayer as routine as brushing your teeth and as easy as ABC and 123. Both Mark Herringshaw and I understand that prayer is a seemingly difficult spiritual practice and a part of what makes it seem so is that many of us have been taught how to pray the wrong way. Or, better yet, we have learned how someone else prays and not how we pray.

Prayer Plain and Simple will be about helping people discover their authentic prayer personality and using that to communicate with God in a way that is most comfortable to them. We want to encourage people to make prayer, not just a 1-2 times a day part of your life, but a continuous practice in it. This means that it doesn’t just happen when you wake up, it stays with you throughout the day and you learn how to cultivate a life of prayer. A life lived in continuous conversation with God about the most important matters of your life to the most inane. In order for this to happen, we want to help people move from the perception that prayer only happens when eyes are closed, heads are bowed, and knees have hit the floor, to believing that prayer can happen at any time.

We want to move people from thinking prayer is complicated to seeing prayer as a plain and simple conversation with God. So off we go on this journey…

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