I was reading an introduction from William Cleary’s book, “We Side with the Morning: Daily Prayers to the God of Hope” when I came across this beautiful passage about prayer, the difficulties some have with it, and what prayer can be compared to. “Some people tell me they have given up on prayer. Why? It doesn’t work, and…

An earthquake with a magnitude of 8.0 hit the American Samoan islands earlier today. This earthquake triggered three 5-foot tsunamis which caused damaged and killed an undetermined number of people. Hawaii is currently on tsunami watch. Please join us in prayer for the victims of the American Samoa tsunami and those in Hawaii. Heavenly Father, We…

Oh, what peace we often forfeit,Oh, what needless pain we bear,All because we do not carryEverything to God in prayer! “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” By Joseph Scriven I was reminded of this hymn this morning when one of my Facebook friends posted it as her status update. The verse that I posted…

“Give us today our daily bread”   What’s for breakfast? That’s an important question, one of the most important questions in our family, and probably in yours too. Jesus said we don’t live by bread alone – we also need nourishment for the spiritual elements in our lives – but we do need real food.…

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