Prayer, Plain and Simple

Four different people made an effort yesterday to tell me they were praying for me. As far as I know, I’m the only connection between them. I don’t think they got together and planned this as a kind of gang tackle intercession. One called and left the message on my cell phone. Another sent an…

The title “Virgin Maria Auxiliatrix” caught my eye this morning. I was reviewing the morning news when I saw this at the top of Google’s Hot Trends list. I’m not Catholic, but I pray, and I want to encourage and help others connect with God. So I was fascinated by the planet’s sudden (and in…

Joke with a point: A man falls off a 1,000 foot cliff but grabs the one tree branch available. Holding on for dear life he calls out, “God, save me!” In short order, a rope from the top of the cliff appears. The man ignores it. “God, you gotta help me!” Moments later a helicopter…

The Nobel Prize for Economics in 2009 goes to Elinor Ostrom, the first woman to receive the award. Ms. Ostrom’s research challenges the traditional view that common ownership of a resource results in excessive exploitation, that fishermen for instance left to their own devises will overharvest their product. The typical resource management solution has always…

Congratulations to U.S. President Barak Obama for winning the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.  Jesus said that peacemakers are blessed. Today we pray a blessing for President Obama and all the efforts of all government leaders around the world who seek genuine peace.    We also recognize the world is filled with individuals – sometimes in…

Wow! Wednesday’s post “Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2009 Deserves Praise… To God!” certainly generated a reaction.  While I cannot, for lack of both time and expertise answer every individual objection that readers have posted I can defer to an expert on the subject.  In “Nine Ways God Always Speaks” Jennifer Schuchmann and I reference to work…

A 7.8 earthquake just struck off the Santa Cruz Islands in the Pacific Ocean today, triggering a tsunami warning for the nations of Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Tuvalu, New Caledonia, Fiji, Kiribati, Wallis-Futuna and Howland-Baker. Let’s pray for the safety of these Pacific Island peoples. “God, you are Lord of all…

Now I can make my own barcode with Google! Amazing days! Today is the 57th birthday of first patent of the barcode and to honor the moment Google has changed its logo to a photo of black and white lines like the ones now so familiar to us. They also suggested a link to a…

The 2009 Nobel Prize in Chemistry goes to two Americans and an Israeli for explaining how the DNA code is translated into life. The work of Venkatraman Ramakrishnan, Thomas A. Steitz, and Ada E. Yonath, explored ribosomes which produce proteins that control the chemistry in all living organisms. They created three-dimensional models that depict how…

The spotlot should be on Deanna Favre – that’s a good thing! Forget purple and gold, and green and gold. During the Vikings vs. Packers game last night the dominant color was pink. October is national breast cancer awareness month and the NFL did its part plastering ESPN’s Monday Night Football with pink-everything: goal post…

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