Prayer, Plain and Simple

For the moment, Minnesota is the epicenter of the sports world. Brett Favre and the Vikings out dueled Favre’s old team, the Green Bay Packers on ESPN’s Monday Night Football. Yes, I watched. Yes, the drama played out as billed. On Sunday the Twins, three games back with four to play closed the regular season…

It was announced today that four Conde Nast titles–Gourmet, Modern Bride, Elegant Bride and Cookie magazine–would be closing following a consultant recommending cost-cutting efforts for the huge publishing company. I am no stranger to the publishing industry’s often-sharpened ax having sort of been under it once upon a time. So I certainly can empathize with every person who received…

Call it irony, or a sign that I should comment directly on Rosangel Cabrera, Miguel Cabrera and the plague of domestic violence. An hour ago I added a post about a woman I met in a coffee shop who died last Friday at the hands of her husband – a murder suicide. Check it out…

My friend Art finished the Twin Cities Marathon yesterday. He’s now accomplished this fete 26 times (one for every mile of the grueling course). This year he’ll run six different marathons around the country. I won’t tell you Art’s age, but suffice it to say, his commitment is impressive! Last year Art dragged me across…

Shocked, sickened, grieved…. At the moment I’m sitting in my Caribou Coffee shop trying to collect myself. I come here most Monday mornings, and over the months have struck up friendships with several regulars. Five minutes ago Gayle, who works behind the counter walked over to me and pointed to the front page of Friday’s…

Today is Mahatma Ghandi’s birthday. Ghandi, the spiritual and national father of post-British India is renowned for his none-violent strategies of revolution that led his nation into independence. In my new book, The Karma of Jesus I tell a story of Ghandi recounted by the Christian writer E. Stanley Jones. Here’s that excerpt. When the…

I’m perplexed – though not terribly surprised – by the base, tribal audience reactions to the revelation last night that David Letterman has been blackmailed by a woman – among several – with whom he had a sexual affair. No surprise there, I suppose. But what disturbed me was the audience reaction – a rowdy,…

He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love (Ephesians 4:14-16).   The H1N1 pandemic – Swine flu – has gone global. Most cases are not critical, but some…

I was reading an introduction from William Cleary’s book, “We Side with the Morning: Daily Prayers to the God of Hope” when I came across this beautiful passage about prayer, the difficulties some have with it, and what prayer can be compared to. “Some people tell me they have given up on prayer. Why? It doesn’t work, and…

Wednesday’s 7.6-magnitude earthquake, which originated in the sea off Sumatra island, has severely damaged the city of Padang, Indonesia. At least 376 people are known dead and thousands more are missing or trapped beneath ruined buildings. Let’s offer a collective prayer for these victims and their families. “God, the violence of nature shocks us. We don’t understand…

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