Prayer, Plain and Simple

    How about this for a story of reconciliation: After working side by side for the same moving company, two men, Gary Nisbet and Randy Joubert finally discovered that they were not only long-lost brothers, but actually identical twins separated at birth and adopted into different families.  Truth can be more surprising than fiction!…

You may know, and even frequently say the words in Jesus’ Lord’s Prayer, “Give us today our daily bread.” Here Jesus invites us to ask God, our Father to meet our immediate need for provision.  Jesus is referring to an Old Testament story.  When the Hebrews (Jews) were rescued from Egypt God provided miraculous food…

Yesterday I ran into a friend who’s been unemployed for nine months.  I smiled, politely and asked how he was doing.  He looked at me as if to say, “Stupid question!”  I suddenly felt as if I’d slapped a cancer patient on the back with, “Hey, what a great day!” Cancer is a good analogy. …

In a response to yesterday’s post, “Praying with our head’s screwed on,” “Kris” offered this comment: “If prayer is for our benefit why must we be so specific? Is it the time we spend on prayer itself and research in order to be more specific. Or is it the specific detail we give to God…

On September 21, people all over the world will stop what they are doing at high noon and pray for peace for one minute in acknowledgement of the United Nations International Day of Peace. The UN’s goal is get 1 million people to sign the pledge to pray for peace. It will only take one minute to pledge and…

An  image of the H1N1 virus. Knowledge is power… The first rule in war: “know your enemy.” At this moment the world is facing invasion from a microscopic but deadly beast. Epidemiologists have dubbed it the H1N1 virus, and it’s the culprit behind the flu symptoms attacking millions, including, as I said earlier, one of…

It’s not either or, this or that, prayer or medicine, faith or pharmacy. God heals, and he often uses the wisdom he’s given medical experts to aid the body’s natural restoration processes. We’ve all heard of tragic stories – people who choose for themselves – or more horribly – for their children, to trust in…

Do you believe in supernatural healing? Do you believe prayer prompts God to heal the sick? These are ancient questions that – in spite of our modern scientific discoveries – continue to fascinate us. We’re hearing a growing “buzz” about a pending pandemic of “swine flu” also known as H1N1. Researchers claim to have developed a…

Short fuses are “all the rage.” Very, VERY public outbursts this week at the US Open – ala Serena Williams and Roger Federer, during President Obama’s health care pep talk before Congress – Representative Joe Wilson, and at the MTV Video Music Awards – Kanye West have made it to the front pages of our…

Each day this month we’ve been posting one prayer for our children and their education. They have just begun school and this is a great time to send them off with our blessing. God cares about our children and their practical lives, their health, their learning, their relationships. Below I have included a prayer for…

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