Prayer, Plain and Simple

My Friend Jon was reading Mark Twain’s “Huckleberry Finn” and last week sent me the following passage with a suggestion that I post it on the blog and ask, “So, who agrees with Huck?” I thought Jon made a good suggestion. Here it is… “Then Miss Watson she took me in the closet and prayed, but nothingcome of…

Each day this month we are offering one prayer for one aspect of our children’s education.  Here’s a prayer for teachers. There’s no more challenging or more important job than teaching children. It’s vital and yet impossible, and without God’s help no teacher can meet their destiny, or help their students meet theirs.   Father,…

One of those days…  My 12 year old son called us from school saying he had a strange pain.  He’d been complaining about this for a few days, but now it was worse, and, he said, unbearable.  The appearance of this pain arrived – coincidentally – with the beginning of school last week.  But Michael…

Interested in learning more about praying for your kids? Here’s a brief bibliograghy of recent books on the subject:   Every Child Needs a Praying Mom by Janet Kobobel Grant and Fern Nichols. (Zondervan, August 2003). In this excellent how-to-pray book, Fern Nichols, founder of Moms In Touch teaches women the principles and practices “that…

Each day this month we are offering one prayer for one aspect of our children’s education. They need our spiritual blessings. Here’s the prayer for today:   Father we trust you to take care of our students when they are out of our control and under the influence of others in our schools.    

Writer and speaker Jennifer Schuchmann admits her limitation as a parent in the following, a project she and I developed to help parents pray for their school-aged children. Jennifer and I have also written two books together, Six Prayers God Always Answers, and Nine Ways God Always Speaks.  Jennifer is also the author of the New York…

The world is a dangerous place; but God is good and able.  This is “why” every parent must pray.  The second question arises: “How should every parent pray?” A few years ago someone shared with me the “adverbs of prayer.”  Remember your grammar? I can’t remember the source of this, but it’s good.  My apologies…

Each day this month we are offering one prayer for one aspect of our children’s education.  Imagine the power of hundreds and thousands of us praying together for schools.  Even if you don’t have children yourself, you have some children in your life – nieces and nephews, grandchildren, neighbors. They all need your spiritual blessings.…

While we were doing research for our books, Six Prayers God Always Answers, and Nine Ways God Always Speaks, Jennifer Schuchmann and I developed a project to help parents pray for their school-aged children. Here’s the third of 30 simple prayers we crafted. This one offers a special blessing that the school our children attend would…

I do my best to raise my children. Is my best ever good enough? Honestly, good is never enough! There has to be something more! Writer and speaker Jennifer Schuchmann faces the sobering truth: she could never perfectly protect her son.  Jennifer wrote the following for a project she and I developed to help parents pray…

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