Prayer, Plain and Simple

Happy Father’s Day ! We want to pray Psalm 23 over you today. This was the prayer of a shepherd who looked to his God as his shepherd. Let’s make it a prayer for a father who looks to his God as his Father. Father, Provide for this man everything he needs, for his spirit, soul,…

“You are blessed because you believed…” (Luke 1:45) If Mary would have doubted the angel’s prophetic words, one wonders how her unbelief would have affected God’s plan. She didn’t have long to think about it. She couldn’t ask for a week to consider. God really put her on the spot, but her heart was ready…

Psalm 72 outlines a beautiful prayer for a political leader. We have been praying through this Psalm for the past few days with President Barak Obama in mind. Our Father, we lift up our President to you… May he have a long and healthy life. (vs. 15) May people pray for him. (vs. 15) May we…

The past few posts have outlined the prayer objectives found in Psalm 72 to raise up a praying army for our political leaders. We encourage you to read the whole Psalm; we have listed some prayer points from the chapter written by Solomon. Lord, hear our prayer for President Barak Obama… That He would rescue…

Psalm 72 outlines a beautiful prayer for a political leader. Today’s prayer (verses 4 – 11) has much to say about the heart of a godly leader. He or she is one who has a great deal of compassion and concern for the poor and disenfranchised. Let’s pray for the President of the United States…

Psalm 72 outlines a beautiful prayer for a political leader. Let’s pray for the President of the United States today…and everyday. Sadly, I know of Christians who find it difficult to pray for leaders outside of their political party. Pardon us, Lord. You are not partisan. You have asked us to pray for our political leaders, and…

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Romans 8:28  NLT We also know that the evil one causes everything to work together for our demise, destruction, and death. But even when evil seems to be…

Dear Simon, I read about the kind act you performed for Jesus as you came into Jerusalem for Passover, and I was very moved. I hope I am not prying, but I would very much like to ask you a few questions. Feel free to save the answers until I have the privilege of talking…

Let’s let this be our Monday Prayer: “Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us and prosper for us the work of our hands        O prosper the work of our hands!” Psalm 90:17 Father, We invoke your presence and your power into our work-week. GentleMan that you are, you don’t…

When I’m under pressure, what I truly am–not necessarily what I advertise to be–comes out. I discover this almost every day. This morning I went to a quarry to pick out rocks for my garden. My thumb got pinched by a rock, and something came out. It wasn’t flowery. Last night I fell asleep soundly and…

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