Prayer, Plain and Simple

“Her children rise and call her blessed.” Proverbs 31:28 Mom, Thank you for all you have given up for your family…. sleep, money, your own desires, your dreams… Much of your self was left on the shelf for years — the only thing dusty in your house, waiting for the freedom to be heard and…

“Let all that I am wait quietly before God.” Psalm 62:5 Shhhhh, soul…Must you be so antsy? Hush, appetite; you aren’t going to die if you are hungry…practically a foreign sensation to you. Still yourself, fears…mostly phantoms anyway. Silence, pain; you can wait as well…insignificant as you are. Shut up, condemnation; you are no longer…

“If I go up to the mountains, you are there. If I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn or settle on the far side of the sea, Even there your hand will guide me, Your right hand will hold me fast.” Psalm 139…

Dallas Willard says, “Over our churches…there hangs a cloud of failure, driven home by statistical studies…a lack of transforming power of Christians in our society.” We Christians can tend to stay the same and when we stay the same, we don’t stay the same; we entropy. The transformational power of the Spirit gives us the…

Every tear that you’ve ever shed is saved, valued, and treasured by God. David spoke this prayer, both poetry and Truth: “You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.” Psalm 56:8 NLT Father, It is amazing to me that…

More than 200 teenage girls are missing in Nigeria and presumed kidnapped by Islamic radicals. The fear is that terrorists have abducted then and either sold them as sex slaves or forced them to marry the Islamists themselves. “God, you are a deliverer. You hate injustice and you stand against evil. In matters like this,…

Much has been said about the cost of following Jesus, even by Jesus Himself. But what isn’t heard as much (unless you’re listening to Dallas Willard) is the cost of not following Him. Jesus instructs us to forgive all offenses against us. He modeled this continually on the planet even to his last few minutes…

God, You are Lord of the earth and the skies. And yet we live in a dangerous, rebellious world that does not submit to your peace, as we do not. These storms in the South are a case in point. Yes, the earth trembles, yes, the skies open up in fury, no, nature is not…

“I carried you on eagle’s wings and brought you to myself.” Exodus 19:4 is one of my favorite verses. It’s included in a stack of note cards with Scriptures that I hold on to. But this one hit me a little differently today when I thought of the young kid who hid in the wheel…

Dallas Willard defines love beautifully in a lecture called “Reflections on John 14”: “Love is the whole deal…Live with the will, habit, disposition and power to advance good in the lives of those who are affected by you.” Jesus commanded us to “love our neighbor as ourselves.” The root word neighbor can be dissected:  Neigh…

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