Prayer, Plain and Simple

Looking for answers to life’s riddles? Who should I marry? Where should I move? What should I study? Why do I exist? How should I live my life? Some people turn to psychics. They are often advertised on this very blog page, waiting for someone to take their bait. But there is a better Source…

“Father, hear our prayer for the nation of Ukraine. The crisis there is real and dangerous; the land seems to be festering, and on the brink of chaos. Jesus, you are Prince of Peace. Be the Peace of Ukraine. Give all the government leaders in every faction and in every nation involved wisdom and prudence.…

Jesus suffered at the hands of expert executors, professionals with vast experience, knowledge, and skill in the “art” of torture. Watching a person being led away to crucifixion was a common occurrence in Jerusalem in the 30’s AD. But Jesus was anything but a common criminal. Yet he took on that horrendous curse. Yesterday we…

These are the descriptive words used in Matthew 27 (New Living Version) depicting the verbal abuse that Jesus suffered: They shouted at him…jeered at him…condemned him…accused him…mocked him…truanted him…abused him…yelled at him…and ridiculed him… Jesus suffered abuse on every level including verbal torture. The noise of it all. Deadly sticks and stones in the form…

The other day I let JoJo, our little 9 pound poodle, outside to run around and “do his thing”. JoJo never wanders far from our country home. After a few minutes I heard a blood curdling dog-scream — a sound I’ve never heard before and hope to never hear again. I looked out the back…

“God, thank you for ice cream. Well done! Sure, we humans have been clever enough to combine your goods in a creative way, But you made the milk, the eggs, sugar, the flavors we use to fancy it up and the ice that makes it cold. Thank you, thank you. And please enjoy it with…

“Lord, you know I need work. I want to do my part and carry my weight. I’m not asking for a handout; but I do need your help landing the right employment. It’s been too long and I’m feeling frustrated. You know exactly the situation that fits my skills, my interests and my experience. You…

“God, light matters. We need light and when light goes out, we’re thrown into confusion and even fear. When power fades or goes out, we need to turn to you. God, you are our power source. You are the source of light. As the lights have gone out in the Super Bowl it reminds us…

“God, I need vitamin D, but even more I need ‘vitamin G.’ Today, I am heavy with sadness. These winter days are gloomy and cold and I crave the light. I was made for light. Even my body knows this. I need the vitamin D that comes from light, and now, in the shadows I…

“God, today we pray for Egypt, a nation one again in great turmoil. Save Egypt from violence and despair. You love this land, and always have, even when that love demanded your hand of discipline and judgment. Egypt along the Nile is intricately woven into the fabric of our histories together. It was your land…

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