Prayer, Plain and Simple

“Oh God, you are so creative and generous. The delicious cup of coffee I’m enjoying this morning has to be one of your great inventions. Thank you. I remember (as James reminds me – James 1:17) that every good and perfect gift comes from my Father, from You! Coffee is good, very good, as you…

“God, you know what’s on my calendar. You know I have more ‘to dos’ than I have slots in my day. I am not sure what needs to be set aside, but something has to go. I need your guidance to help me set priorities. You tell me in John 15 that you want my…

“God, I have been afraid of the words ‘blessed’ and ‘success.’ And not only the words… I have been afraid of the thing itself! I have demeaned ‘prosperity,’ ‘affluence,’ ‘abundance,’ and ‘victory’ by crediting you with bringing pain and sorrow as discipline in my life. Yes, you use these sorrows, but your intent, your end…

“God, I come to you broken and ashamed. I am sick with regret and don’t know where else to go. Have mercy on me. I know that the choice I made to end this pregnancy defied your heart and your law. You create life. We must never presume that it is ours to give, or…

“God, today we ask for a blessing on United States President Barack Obama. As he begins his second term in office we pray that your hand would strengthen and protect him, that your voice would guide and comfort him, that your heart would consume him, that your will would lead him. You give our governments…

“God, we have a big decision before us. Should we – or not – purchase the house we’re considering? You invite us to ask for wisdom. In James 1 you say it directly: ‘If anyone lacks wisdom, let them ask…’ We’re asking. We’re not smart enough and we don’t know enough of the future to…

“Jesus, you did not make our bodies to be infected by a flu virus. You have given us an immune system to fight these invasions. When you walked the earth he healed many. Nearly every page of the Gospels shows you restoring someone’s body to health. We know that you are with us today eager…

Psalm 51 is the gold standard for contrite confession. David is broken by the weight of his sin. Only then can he truly repent. This last week Lance Armstrong came clean, admitting that he’d used performing enhancing drugs and that he’d lied about it for years, to millions of people. Is he contrite? We can’t…

God… I can’t. You can. Please do. Thank you. Enough said.

“God, not all of us can be with those we love at Christmas. Some of us are alone, and we bear a heavy sadness. Life isn’t supposed to be like this; and we feel loneliness most at the holidays. Jesus, you came to give us a full and complete life. That includes a life full of…

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