Prayer, Plain and Simple

We are still here. It is not the end of the world. Thank you, God for another day, another chance to live as you have intended us to live. Jesus said you “came to give us life to the fullest” (John 10). Every morning we wake is yet one more opportunity to experience you and your…

“God, bless us as we travel. You too are a traveler. You move; you’re always moving. We follow because you are ahead of us and you know the way. But you are always with us, taking this journey today beside us. Your presence here gives us peace. Traveling is stressful and sometimes dangerous. Having you…

“God, you were in the beginning, and before. You will also be in the end, and beyond. As you intended the beginning, you intend the end. You are I AM, ever present. While all things began from you and will end in you, at present all holds together in you. You are Alpha and Omega, beginning…

“God, have mercy. The horror of the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut has broken our hearts. Perhaps now we are broken enough to turn to you. Forgive our self-reliance, rebellion and pride. We have defied your name and blasphemed you by destroying your most precious creation. We permit the killing of children in the womb, then…

“God, you are good, but not everything that happens in your world is. The horror of the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut was evil. Evil is real. We need no other evidence than this. Not all is good, but you in your goodness and power can work all things together for good. You can redeem and…

“God, if there is a place for hatred, it belongs here, now. The horror of the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut has silenced our words and enflamed our passion. We hate this, as do you. We are created in your image, and because you hate evil, so must we. You have given us this capacity for…

“Why, God? The horror of the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut has broken our hearts and stolen our clear thinking. Why? There are no answers to this question. At least none we can fathom? We don’t know why this has happened, and you are silent to explain. Give us the grace to turn this question into…

“God, comfort those for whom there is no comfort. The terror of the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut has broken our hearts. The family and friends close to this horror are grieving beyond imagination. Be for them what only you can. Be their comfort. Be their Savior. Be their God. As they turn to you, as…

“God, have mercy on us again. The shooting in the Alabama hospital is yet another evidence of our need for peace, the Prince of Peace. God, bring healing, safety, faith and hope to the victims and their families. Open your arms of mercy for us, yet again. In Jesus.”

“God, have mercy. Hear our weeping, our groaning, our silence. The terrors of the massacre in Newtown Connecticut have broken our hearts and stolen our clear thinking. Horror is all the prayer we can muster. We have no words. Do you? Please, say something. Comfort us, with your presence, your embrace, and your calming Voice.…

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