Prayer, Plain and Simple

God, you created my body and called it “good.” It is my home, and yours and you want me healthy and strong so that together we can fulfill the responsibilities you have assigned me. This earth is crippled and my body suffers the effects. I need your blessing for protection and healing to counter this…

“God, you are so generous. You provided, just as you promised. You said, “I will supply all your needs out of my vast store of wealth in heaven.” I believed this, and now I’ve seen you prove it, first hand. I asked for a job and you gave one!  I am so grateful. These are…

At least 10 are dead in three separate explosions that tore through a business district in Mumbai, India today. Dozens more are injured. The Indian government has confirmed that the explosions were terrorist attacks likely from Muslim radicals. They have placed the entire city on high alert. “God, bring calm and healing to Mumbai.  This chaos…

Christian Lopez could have made a “cool” fifty thousand dollars… at least. Instead, he didn’t ask for a single thing. And that is the real “cool” in the story. Lopez happened to be sitting in the left field seats at Yankee Stadium on Saturday, July 9th when Derek Jeter hit a towering homerun for his…

“God, we pray for victims of sexual abuse. We pray for healing. We pray for deep comfort. We pray that you will restore what has been stolen and broken. While you do not alter history, you reveal your love in the present and the future. What seems hopelessly shattered, in you can be redeemed. For…

Torrential rains this week brought a first-relief to drought-stricken Texas. But much more is needed if the southern states of the US are to escape the historic dry spell that has gripped the region most of the year. Praying for rain seems fitting. “God, you send rains in season. It is a season of need…

“God, you are just. You are perfect in all your judgments. You balance every scale. In time, all the accounts will be settled. All truth will be told. All debts will be evenly scored. For now, in this world, we can push for justice and labor for truth and fair payment, but we must often…

“God, my back hurts. Never mind the cause. Never mind the lesson I should learn, something about lifting with my legs perhaps. At the moment I don’t care about anything more than relief. God, lift my pain. I know that this is a small pain compared to anyone suffering bone cancer, or a first degree…

It rained on Saturday, the day my daughter, Ellie married Andy. It rained from the skies and it rained from heaven. In every way, the day was a slice out of heaven. I can’t imagine that more joy could be possible on this planet. As father of the bride, I offered a toast at the…

Who can explain a child’s suffering? This week an 18-month old child died in St. Paul, Minnesota when equipment malfunctioned at a chiropractor’s office. The small boy crawled under the spine therapy table to which his mother was strapped and pushed an electronic button that brought the table down on him. Tragic. Senseless. Heart breaking.…

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