Prayer, Plain and Simple

“God, today is like any other. The sun rises. The winds blow. Rain falls. Rain does not fall. People are born. They laugh. They cry. They dance. They die. Today “chronos” time is as it has been since You gave it beginning, and will be as it is until you bring things to an end.…

Tyler and Shelly are getting married. I’ve known Tyler for many years. I’ve seen him grow from a boy into a young man, attend and graduate from college, and take up a new career working with troubled teens. I’ve seen him move into friendship with Shelly, on to uncertainty, curiosity, budding passion, and then through…

jill Herringshaw adds this next post in her series on prayer for “lost sheep…” Luke 15:8-10 “Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Doesn’t she light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it? And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together and says,…

My wife, Jill Herringshaw continues her series, “Prayer for Prodigals” with the following… Luke 19:10: “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” The Father takes a bite of a crisp apple. He glances to the skies for a moment to enjoy a bird in flight; then His eyes settle…

The following post and prayer is offered by Jill Herringshaw, my precious wife… Jill will be contributing here frequently in the days ahead. “I don’t stop believing in those who have stopped believing in Me.” “What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the…

  The fleeting Libyan revolution is on the brink of defeat. Pro-Qaddafi forces are advancing today towards the rebel stronghold of Benghazi. Qaddafi’s son claims that the city will fall to government forces within 48 hours. Pray for Libya… “God, we pray today for Libya. We pray that the cause of freedom will prevail there.…

  A huge explosion has damaged a third reactor at the earthquake-damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan early Tuesday. Engineers are fighting to prevent a full meltdown of nuclear fuel rods in three damaged reactors. Significant levels of radiation have already been released into the atmosphere and winds are driving the particles toward Tokyo…

  Waves of fear are sweeping Japan today, compounding shock and grief following last week’s massive earthquake. The nuclear crisis at the Fukushima Dai-ichi power plant is mounting. Fuel rods appear to be overheating in three damaged reactors crippled by the massive quake. Radiation has leaked into the atmosphere and the reactors may be in…

  200 to 300 bodies have been found in a northeastern coastal area where a massive earthquake spawned a ferocious 23 foot tsunami Friday. The waves swept away boats, cars and homes. A passenger train with an unspecified number of passengers remains unaccounted for today. 110 are confirmed dead. 350 people are missing. 544 people were…

It was a long night for those of us living in Hawaii. Here in Kailua-Kona Tsunami warning sirens sounded through the night. The tsunami did hit here around 3:30 AM our time. The tsunami waves do not appear large – they were no more than 6 feet in Hawaii – but the energy release moves…

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