Prayer, Plain and Simple

A 13-foot tsunami strikes the northern coast of Japan, washing away cars and damaging buildings, after a powerful, magnitude 8.9 earthquake rocks the coast. There is a tsunami warning issued for Hawaii. “God, bring peace to traumatized residents in Japan. Bring safety and healing and miracles of grace in this terrible moment. Guard those in…

Fat Tuesday is now swept up on the trash bins of the French Quarter. Ash Wednesday and Lent has arrived. Many followers of Jesus set aside these next 40 days leading to Holy Week as a focused time for fasting and prayer. Lent can be an opportunity to invite God to search our hearts (Psalm…

Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano is erupting today. The floor of the Puu Oo crater collapsed on Saturday, falling dropping more than 350 feet. The fissure has caused lava to spew to a height of 80 feet. The eruption is the first of its kind in 14 years. The biggest danger to humans appears to be “VOG.”…

Maybe the bills have to be paid, and there’s not enough in the account. Perhaps the kids need to be tended, and there’s not enough time. There could be a strange nagging pain, and you’re afraid. Underlying everything perhaps there’s a tension-building soundtrack agitating and mounting anxiety. Life is challenging. We need peace. Jesus promised…

Libya appears to be in meltdown. Militia loyal to Moammar Gadhafi struck back against rebellious protesters in several cities new Tripoli, the capital today. Governmental troops attacked a mosque where many protestors had taken refuge. They also counter-attacked crowds that had seized an airport. The assaults aim to suppress the revolts that are moving closer…

For those who do not believe in miracles… Muslims and Christians in the Middle East are standing together for freedom and hope. Amazing… Check this out!  

The four Americans aboard the yacht Quest that was hijacked by Somali pirates have been killed. U.S. troops had been shadowing the vessel stormed aboard early Tuesday after they heard gunfire. They discovered that all four hostages had been shot by their captors. Two pirates were killed in the clash, two others were discovered previously…

A powerful 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Christchurch on Tuesday at the height of the workday. The quake toppled buildings, crushing vehicles and killing at least 65 people. Others are injured and some remain trapped. This earthquake is the second to hit Christchurch, a city of 350,000, in five months. The epicenter was near the city and…

Libyan protesters are celebrating in the streets of Benghazi today. They claim they’ve secured control  the country’s second largest city. Bloody fighting and anti-government demonstrations have also spread Tripoli, the capital. Protestors have gathered in the city’s main square. The government is digging in its heels. Moammar Gadhafi’s son vowed today that security forces would…

Libya is the latest Arab nation to suffer popular revolt. Thousands of Libyan protestors clashed with supporters of longtime leader Moammar Qaddafi in central Tripoli today. Libyan armed forces fired machine-guns at thousands of mourners marching in a funeral for anti-government protesters in the Eastern Libyan city of Benghazi . Yesterday, Qaddafi’s commandos along with…

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