Prayer, Plain and Simple

Dozens of Iranian opposition protesters were arrested today (Monday) after participating in a rally in Tehran expressing support for the popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia. Will Iran be the next Middle East nation to rise and resist their dictatorial regime? “Lord God, we pray for Iran today. We pray that true peace and freedom…

For those sharing life with a Lover, Valentine’s Day is a time of joy, pleasure, gratitude… and passion. But or those who live with heartbreak, or are still waiting for the Love of a Lover, it can be a day of loneliness, even bitter loneliness. The ancient Hebrew scriptures often portray God as a passionate Lover,…

  Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has stepped down. After weeks of popular upheaval in the nation, Mubarak has handed control of the country to the military. Vice President Omar Suleiman made the announcement today in an address broadcasted state television. The news has triggered a wave of jubilation throughout Cairo’s Tehrir Square. Tens of thousands…

The Obama administration looked like the Three Stooges yesterday, badly misplaying the Egypt crisis. The U.S President and his team of dimwits appear to be far more confused about the course to take than embattled Mubarak himself. Obama foolishly took the bait tossed out yesterday suggesting that Mubarak would resign in his scheduled speech. U.S.…

The streets of Cairo are roaring with protest after Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak announced that he has ceded authority to his Vice President, Omar Suleiman but will not step down from the title of President until elections next September. Earlier in the day reports had been leaked that Mubarak would resign immediately and turn the…

  A suicide bomber attacked soldiers in Peshawar Pakistan during morning exercises at an army training camp on Thursday. 31 troops died and 42 were wounded. The army and police said the bomber was a teenager. The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility and said the boy who volunteered for the suicide attack was a soldier at…

  Tension is mounting in Egypt as reports swirl that President Hosni Mubarak will shortly announce that he step down and transfer authority to the Egyptian Higher Council of the Armed Forces. Crowds have gathered in Cairo awaiting Mubarak’s message. The interim leadership group will be comprised of the minister of defense, Field Marshal Hussein…

  At least one person is dead and five others are missing from three homes after a natural gas explosion this morning in Allentown, Pennsylvania. The fire that resulted from the explosion consumed an entire row of homes. Eight houses were destroyed and another 16 damaged. 500 to 600 people have been evacuated, including elderly…

  North Korean military officers walked out of talks with rival South Korea in months today. Their abrupt move dashed hopes that tensions would ease on the Korean Peninsula.  The two nations have been on the verge of war since deadly artillery attacks from North Korea in November. Wednesday’s meeting blew apart because the two…

Christians in Egypt are living in heighted fear of persecution, and political change may not be a change for the better.  Christian demonstrators have been praying peacefully with Muslims in Tahrir Square in Cairo. But as turmoil in the streets leads to upheaval in the government, it’s clear that Egypt’s Christians – 10 percent of…

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