Prayer, Plain and Simple

  Packers or Steelers? With the Super Bowl kickoff just six hours away this is now the hot question rolling across the planet. Egypt is imploding. There are deadly storms in Australia. But what’s the rage? Will Aaron Rogers or Ben Roethlisberger prevail today? The Packers and Steelers each claim two of the most loyal…

As political tumult sheds blood on the streets of Cairo, the Christian minority in Egypt continues to face intense and mounting persecution. In the wake of the protests, this violence has good largely unnoticed by the world. 15 Christians were murdered this week outside Al-Minya, about 150 miles south of Cairo. Twenty-three Christians were murdered…

  Cyclone Yasi, the most powerful storm in a century ripped across Australia’s northeast coast early Thursday, blasting apart houses, laying waste to banana crops and leaving boats lying in the streets of wind- and wave-swept towns.  At present there have been no reported deaths, but the overnight storm has left several thousand people homeless.…

Violence is erupting on the streets of Cairo today. More than 700 people have been injured, and one soldier has been killed, after thousands of anti-government demonstrators and pro-Mubarak supporters clashed. Each side hurled Molotov cocktails and rocks at the other. The situation is volatile. Time to pray! “God we urge you to bring Egypt…

  Punxsutawney Phil predicted spring is on its way!  Okay… The famous weather-reading groundhog ascended (was pulled) from his hole today at his home at Gobbler’s Knob, near Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania and under the cloud from the massive storm covering much of the country – one of its largest winter storms since the 1950s – did not…

  A quarter-million people flooded Cairo’s main square today in a stunning, jubilant and mostly peaceful protest demanding that for President Hosni Mubarak step down from power.  The crowd was young and old, urban poor and middle class professionals. It was by far the largest protest yet in a week of extraordinary public protest. “God,…

Thousands of anti-government protesters swarmed the battered streets of central Cairo today, demanding that President Hosni Mubarak step down. The mods are attacking police as the Cabinet resigned. Mubarak has pledged reform and has dismissed his government but the actions have done little to cool the anger venting over Egypt’s crushing poverty, unemployment and corruption.…

  A close friend of mine has a daughter going to school in Cairo. He’s praying hard for peace in Egypt. All of us should be! Throngs of Egyptians today vented their rage against President Hosni Mubarak’s autocratic government. It was the second day of protests, defying a government ban on public gatherings. Police responded…

  An explosion yesterday ripped through the international arrivals hall at Moscow’s busiest airport, Domodedova. The attack killed at least 35 people and wounding about 130. Many are in critical condition. Witnesses claimed a suicide bomber shouted “I’ll kill you all!” before detonating the explosives. The man and a woman accomplice detonated the bomb. Three…

The Arab world is tense in the wake of the political upheaval in Tunisia. Several Arab states have expressed “great concern” and have called upon all Tunisian political factions to restore order by engaging in “fruitful national dialogue.” “God, work in and through this situation in Tunisia. Chaos is never good in itself. It breeds…

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