Prayer, Plain and Simple

  Protests continue in Tunisia after prime minister, Mohamed Ghannouchi , announced a national unity government on Monday. Hoping to quell the turbulence following the ouster President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, Ghannouchi, an ally of Ben Ali who is retaining his following the coup has dispatched military forces to streets to suppress demonstrations. While…

Deadly flash floods are swamping Australia today. Residents in Australia’s third largest city, Brisbane, have sandbagged their homes against the rising waters. The torrential rain just keep coming, worsening floods that have already paralyzed the northeast region and crippled most business. At least four people have been killed in Toowoomba, a town west of Brisbane.…

The lawsuit dubbed “pancake versus prayer,” pitting the International House of Pancakes (IHOP) against a Kansas City Christian Ministry called the International House of Prayer (IHOP), has been dropped by the restaurant chain. The parties hope to reach a settlement through mediation. Both sides acknowledge that the similarity in names does cause confusion in website searches. Typing…

Christianity is now the fastest-growing religion on Earth. Many reports suggest that Islam has seen the greatest growth but recent evidence suggests a new – actually an original form of biblically inspired evangelical Christianity is sweeping the world. China, Africa, India and Southeast Asia are now so markedly Christian that it is by far, the…

The weather outside is frightful! A band of frigid weather is making its way up the U.S. East Coast today, blasting New York City and New England with blizzards and a foot of snow. Several states to the South have declared travel emergencies as the storm caused numerous crashes on slick roads. “God, protect the…

A magnitude 5.1 earthquake hit Puerto Rico on Friday. Residents was shaken but there are no immediate reports of damage. The U.S. Geological Survey reports that the quake, which occurred at 7:43 p.m. (6:43 p.m. ET), stuck about 15 miles (25 kilometers) south of San Juan. It was some 64 miles below the earth’s surface.…

The two Koreas are ramping up their rhetoric again. South Korea’s president pledged today that his country would retaliate if attacked again. A top North Korean official threatening a “sacred” nuclear war if provoked. “Sacred?” Did the North Korean communist official use the word “sacred?” Mmmm The rallying cries and military maneuvers seem designed to…

Hmm… The Devotion School, a “public elementary educational institution” in Brookline, Mass., is asking parents to fill out permission slips before their children can participate in a weekly recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance beginning in January. Gerardo Martinez, the principal sent a letter home to parents saying, “I urge you to have a conversation…

  On December 20, 2010 there will be three converging natural events in the sky. Is this a sign? It can be… The annual Ursid meteor shower (up to 100 per hour) which appears annually from December 17-25, will peak tonight. From our vantage point on earth the meteors fall from within the constellation Ursa Minor,…

  God has a destiny for Korea. Again today that ultimate spiritual purpose is under a test of human conflict and tension. North Korea warned South Korea on today to stop staging artillery drills on the border island that Northern troops bombed last month. They threatened to strike back harder than the previous attack that…

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