Prayer, Plain and Simple

  Iraqi Christians from the south of the country are fleeing to havens in the north and those with means are leaving Iraq all together. The renewed campaign of violence against Christians is exacerbated by a growing fear that Iraqi security forces are unable – even unwilling – to protect them. The flight including thousands…

“God, bless and keep safe the many millions of Americans impacted today by the winter storm roaring across portions of the country.”  

  “There was a boy called Eustace Clarence Scrubb, and he almost deserved it…” So begins C.S. Lewis’ classic work, “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.” The feature film version opened yesterday in theaters. I know Eustace, the pouting, self-centered, peevish tormentor. He makes me smirk, chuckle and squirm, because I see actual people I…

  An empty chair represents imprisoned Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo at Friday’s ceremony in Oslo, Norway The empty chair was itself his acceptance speech. Imprisoned Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in absentia today in Oslo, Norway. China has not sat by silently. They have leveled furious protest since…

Westboro Baptist Church, a small Kansas-based fundamentalist group has gone over the edge into hell once again. The sect, with a history of holding controversial and vehemently offensive protests, said today that its members will march with signs at Elizabeth Edwards’ funeral in Raleigh, N.C. this weekend. Please… Can we imagine Jesus where Jesus stands…

  Today is St. Nicolas Day. Cheers to the Jolly Old Elf and kudos to Claire Suddath for the following bio…   Santa Claus doesn’t talk about it very often, but he’s actually Turkish. The world’s most famous toymaker has had a diverse career — that’s what happens when you stick around for over 1,700…

The Not For Sale Campaign has just posted a great story documenting one small triumph in the war against the horrors of human trafficking. Check it out: “Lord God, giver of Life, we pray for all those suffering the unjust abomination of human slavery. Protect and comfort them all. And we pray that you…

Pope Benedict XVI held a prayer vigil on November 27th leading Christians in intercession for the protection of human life and the family. At the conclusion of gathering the Pope offered the following prayer for the unborn in which he asks God to bless families and to inspire society to embrace each and every human…

‘Anty Christ’ at the Smithsonian A Smithsonian museum video of ants crawling on a crucified Christ has triggered a backlash from the head of the Catholic League president Bill Donohue who claims that the artwork is “hate speech.”  “A Fire in My Belly,” by late artist David Wojnarowicz, is part of “Hide/Seek: Difference and Desire…

Christmas is upon us, with gifts – and the economic boon that results – feasts a plenty – and the inevitable weight gain that results – and fanciful tales of the jolly old man in red with his tiny helpers and magical reindeer. In all the hype it’s easy to forget the origin Christmas –…

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