Prayer, Plain and Simple

South Koreans are calling for revenge today over this week’s deadly North Korean artillery shelling. Tensions remain high amid fears of more clashes between the bitter rivals. China has upped the ante in the conflict by objecting to joint military exercises by South Korea and the U.S. Meanwhile, the North is trying to justify the…

Sarah Josepha Hale, a 74-year-old magazine editor had been lobbying for an official national “Thanksgiving Day Holiday” for 15 years. Her requests were finally honored after she wrote to Abraham Lincoln on September 28, 1863, asking him to have the “day of our annual Thanksgiving made a National and fixed Union Festival.” She said, “You…

North Korea launched a deadly artillery attack Tuesday, firing 100 rounds of artillery at Yeonpyeong Island in the Yellow Sea. South Korea’s president Lee Myung-bak responded saying “enormous retaliation” is needed to stop Pyongyang’s incitement, but international diplomats urgently appealed for restraint. The provocation this time can be regarded as an invasion of South Korean…

On November 19, 1863 (147 years ago today) Abraham Lincoln delivering the Gettysburg Address, one of the most profound political statements in all of human history. “Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.…

“You Say You Want a Revolution” – Apple, Steve Jobs, the Beatles and Changing Times The long battle between Apple and Abbey Road appears to be over. With 2 of the Fab Four now singing Penny Lane under some distant Strawberry Field, and Apple’s Steve Jobs having battled his own near death experience, the feud…

Happy Birthday to the United States Marine Corps! “God we thank you for the brave men and women who have sacrificed and in some cases fought to preserve the gift of freedom you have given us in the United States of America. We know that war and violence are never your first best, but at times we…

Mount Merapi, the volatile Indonesian volcano has erupted again killing more than 100 people. Today’s blast was the most powerful eruption in more than a century. Dozens of bodies were found today after searing gas avalanched down on villages below the mountain. Houses and trees were torched and whole communities were incinerated as residents fled.…

Today is “All Saints Day,” following last night, “Halloween” or “All Hallows Eve.” What we call “Halloween” has its origin in an ancient Celtic festival to remember the dead called “Samhain.” By the 800s the Celts had become Christian and they “converted” their pagan celebration into a Christian holy day honoring those who had had…

Argentina is in shock today. Former Argentine President Nestor Kirchner, died suddenly of a massive heart attack Wednesday. The leftist Kirchner, 60, was current President Cristina Fernandez’s husband and was considered the leading contender from the dominant Peronist party to succeed her in next year’s election. “God, we pray today for Argentina.  Use this time…

Shame by association seems to be sweeping the Sooner Nation today. Jeffrey Landrigan, who escaped from an Oklahoma prison in 1989 then robbed at gunpoint and murdered an Arizona man, was executed last night uttering his last words, “Boomer Sooner.”  Bummer! “Boomer Sooner” is the proud battle cry of the University of Oklahoma. Sooners across…

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