Prayer, Plain and Simple

Nigeria is in the midst of its worst cholera outbreak in many years. Nearly 40,000 cases and more than 1,500 deaths have been reported in 2010. The number of cases this year is nearly three times the total for all of last year and 7 times the number in 2008. The Red Cross estimates that…

Powerful storms are raging across much of the country today. Rain and powerful winds, flooding and even snow storms are forecast. “Peace, be still! God, we pray today for all those caught in the path of powerful storms today. Keep people physically safe. Give them peace and calm in the midst of it all. Steady…

A powerful, 7.7-magnitude earthquake triggered a tsunami that pounded villages on remote islands off western Indonesia today. The waves killed at least 113 people and scores more are missing. Indonesia suffered a second major natural disaster today when Mount Merapi, the country’s most volatile volcano erupted. Scientists had warned that pressure building beneath its dome…

Brian and Lisa are ready for a child. Like many couples they expected to bring a boy or girl into the world in the conventional way. That didn’t happen. Now, some years later they’ve embraced the option of adoption and they’re running full speed into process. It’s a long, grueling, costly, emotionally dangerous quest. The…

An outbreak of cholera is spreading across central Haiti and raising fears that the dreaded disease could reach the vast tarp tent camps that shelter hundreds of thousands of earthquake survivors in the capital, Port-au- Prince. By early this morning, nearly 200 people were confirmed dead with Cholera, and thousands more are sick. It’s the…

My friend Jeff was out of work for 18 months. His unique set of experiences, training, and education was both an asset and a liability: In this economic environment is particular field just wasn’t providing many openings for him. It was a painful struggle for Jeff. But instead of defeat and despair Jeff got creative…

  Reprieve! Looks like the end of the world may have already happened, and we all blinked and missed it…  It turns out the ancient Mayan calendar, thought be some to predict the apocalypse does not end come to an end on December 21, 2012. That’s comforting news… I suppose. A new book “Calendars and Years…

The Crystal Cathedral has filed for bankruptcy protection. Trustees of the glass megachurch in Orange County decided to file for Chapter 11 after some of its creditors sued for payment. Creditors could be owed between $50 million and $100 million. The church was started by the Rev. Robert H. Schuller in a rented drive-in movie…

Our home is for sale. Interested? It’s a great place and a great deal… Let me know. I can set you up. Of course, it’s a lousy time to be selling a house. We don’t have a choice… We’re moving temporarily to Hawaii. I know, I know, from Minnesota to Hawaii for the winter… You’re…

Super Typhoon Megi is buffeting the Philippines today. It’s the strongest storm to hit the region in years. Rains across Vietnam swept away a bus and left 20 people missing, including a girl pulled from her mother’s grasp by the raging waters. Thailand also experienced flooding that has paralyzed the country. The huge storm is…

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