Prayer, Plain and Simple

Will Israel attack Iran’s new Bushehr nuclear reactor before Russia loads fuel on Saturday? Former US ambassador to the UN John Bolton warned this week that once Russia installs the fuel Israel would no longer be willing to strike for fear of triggering widespread radiation. “This is a very, very big victory for Iran,” Bolton…

Federal appeals court decision: 14 crosses erected along Utah roads to commemorate fallen state Highway Patrol troopers betray a state endorsement of Christianity, a position which violates the U.S. Constitution. The ruling overturns a 2007 decision by a federal district judge that permitted the crosses saying they communicate a culturally familiar and secular message about…

In Iraq today a homicide bomber blew himself up killing and injuring more than 200 new army recruits. The attack, one of the bloodiest in months, comes just two weeks before all but 50,000 U.S. troops head home and highlights the fear that Iraq is not able to preserve peace. “God, we pray to day…

The chaos and destruction left behind by floods ravaging Pakistan are giving Taliban insurgents opportunity to regroup.  Over the last couple of years, the Pakistani army has succeeded in launching attacks against militants. But now, with thousands of Pakistani soldiers have been assigned to flood relief and will soon be assigned to rebuild bridges and…

Pray for the families of Ted Stevens and Sean O’Keefe. Conflicting reports indicate that Ted Stevens, the longest-serving Republican senator in U.S. history who lost his seat after a corruption conviction that was later dismissed, was killed Tuesday in a small plane crash in southwest Alaska. Stevens was 86. A family friend reported today that…

Massive mudslides in northwestern China have killed 337 people in the last week. An additional 1,148 people are missing. The landslides occurred early Sunday morning after heavy rains started pummeling the area Saturday.  In India, last week’s flooding killed 165 and injuring another 400 in the Indian Himalayan town of Leh. In Pakistan the same…

Ten members of the Christian medical team — six Americans, two Afghans, one German and a Briton — were gunned down in Afghanistan yesterday. The gruesome slaughter was carried out by Taliban militants who alleged that the volunteers were carrying Bibles and were trying to convert Muslims to Christianity. The Taliban gunmen released the Afghan…

Legendary author Anne Rice is quitting Christianity. The famous author of “Interview with a Vampire” published a book in 2008 about her conversion to Christ titled “Called Out of Darkness: A Spiritual Confession.”  But last week she went public again and said that she refuses to be “anti-gay,” “anti-feminist,” “anti-science” and “anti-Democrat” and is feeling…

Offended? A 25-year-old Northwestern graduate student named Joseph Holland was charged with disorderly conduct for praying in front of a Planned Parenthood facility in Chicago. Holland claims he was standing still praying the rosary on a public sidewalk on July 3 when police arrested him for violating the city’s new “Bubble Zone” ordinance, a law…

Repentance finishes with change – conversion. How will I now live and be different? With each of the specific sins connected to each of the specific Commands I have broken I will seek God for a counter move, a contrary action from a contrary motive deposited in me by His Spirit. I cannot change on…

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