Prayer, Plain and Simple

The work of repentance begins with confession. Confession is agreeing with God about my condition. I have asked God to search my heart and to show me sin. I have acknowledged this in detail and confessed the specifics to him. Now I go the next step… “If we confess our sin he is faithful and…

“God, the standard I level against myself is your standard, not my own. You have given us all the stipulations of righteousness. We know what you expect and how you have designed us to live. We might break these laws, but we cannot finally break them; no, they break us! Your Ten Commandments test and…

“God you know all. You know me and love me. But not all is well. God hates the wickedness in the world, and though you love me you must hate the evil that has infected and compromised your purpose and plan for my own life. I invite you now to know and expose and then…

But not all is well… Psalm 139:19-22. A stark intrusion enters the frame. Lovely thoughts of God’s loving awareness are shattered by an equally real but bitter awareness that evil exists. Not all in God’s world is as God intended. There is crookedness afoot. I am aware of this too. I side with God, even…

Psalm 139:17-18 relays the most shocking and surprising of all truth… God is fascinated by me!  17 How precious are your thoughts about me, O God.      They cannot be numbered! 18 I can’t even count them;      they outnumber the grains of sand!   And when I wake up,      you are still with me! “God, You are actively aware of everything. You…

We’re obsessed with building self esteem. That’s futile. What does it matter what I think of myself? When we stupidly grant one human the right to “choose” whether or not another human has “right to life” we have shattered the value of our own souls. Is it any wonder we suffer from an epidemic of…

Privacy is an illusion. Psalm 139:7-12  7 I can never escape from your Spirit!      I can never get away from your presence! 8 If I go up to heaven, you are there;      if I go down to the grave, you are there. 9 If I ride the wings of the morning,      if I dwell by the farthest oceans, 10 even there…

There are no secrets from God. All is exposed to him. Living in denial of this fact, in the illusion that I have the luxury of secrecy is a kind of twisted deception and leads me to live my life under a convenient lie. There is no true and final privacy. God sees everything. He…

King David of Israel was “A man after God’s own heart…” He screwed up many times in his life. He proved to be a lousy father, an unfaithful husband, impulsive, reactive, impatient, sometimes emotionally unstable. But David chased God with all his passion; he ran AFTER God with everything he had and was. Through all his flaws and…

I don’t know myself nearly as well as I suppose. I don’t really know my own motives, or the roots of my thoughts and actions. I know that I don’t know… That much is all I’m confident to say. A friend took me to task this week for something I said. He claimed that a…

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