Prayer, Plain and Simple

Eastern Michigan University’s motto is “Education First.” Perhaps that motto should read “PC Education First, Last and Everywhere Between…”    Freedom of religion was dealt another blow this week when a federal judge ruled in favor of EMU removed a Christian student named Julea Ward from its graduate program in school counseling because Ward believes…

10 years ago Rick Norsigian, of Fresno, Calif. picked up the box of glass negatives for the princely sum of $45 at a garage sale. Now, after spending a decade researching the origin of his find photography experts have deemed the negatives to be long-lost Ansel Adams originals. Norsigian’s find is worth an estimated $200,000,000.…

The freak tornado struck at 2:00 PM, on Wednesday, August 19, 2009, but the majority did not heed the warning. Nearly a year later, The ELCA has ordained 7 openly gay pastors. This time, God is silent… Silence is a far more terrifying judgment. 11 Months ago delegates to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America…

Pastor Rick Warren was hospitalized today when he suffered an eye-injury while gardening at his home. Reportedly, the sap of a firestick plant got into Warren’s eyes when he wiped his brow. The sap can cause temporary blindness. The 56-year-old pastor sent a message to his Twitter followers asking for their prayers. “My eyes were…

Muslim gunmen shot and killed two Christian brothers accused of blasphemy against Islam in Pakistan yesterday. The murders occurred as the men – Rashid Emmanuel, 36, and his brother Sajid Emmanuel, 30 – were walking out of court in Faisalabad. The brothers were arrested last month ago after officials found leaflets bearing their names and…

Monday: A speeding express train plowed into a stationary passenger train in eastern India, killing 61 people. The crash hit with such force that it hurled the roo of one of the train cars onto an overpass above the tracks. In the moments following local residents residents began crawling over the twisted wreckage trying desperately to…

May 5, 2010: Police order a group of Christian junior high school students to stop praying outside the U.S. Supreme Court building. The officer told them it was against the law. Say what? The students, from Wickenburg Christian Academy in Arizona had traveled to Washington to study American history. After taking photos on the steps…

A Central Florida atheist group filed a federal lawsuit against the City of Lakeland this week in an attempt to stop prayers at the opening of city commission meetings. The Atheists of Florida are particularly outraged by the regular use of the name “Jesus Christ” in the prayers.  One meeting on April 5th this year…

Anat Hoffman has been ordered not to pray at the Western Wall in Jerusalem for 30 days.  Jerusalem police detained her on Monday after she brought a Torah scroll to the women’s prayer section of the Western Wall, holiest sites in Judaism and a remnant of the ancient site of the original Jewish Temple.  Hoffman…

Freedom of speech is a constitutional right everywhere in America, except – evidently – on college campuses. The University of Illinois has sacked Ken Howell, an adjunct professor who taught courses on Catholicism because one of his students accused him of hate speech. Professor Howell’s crime: He admitted that he personally agrees with the Catholic…

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