Prayer, Plain and Simple

President Obama’s Justice Department has filed a lawsuit challenging the Arizona’s immigration policy.  Fancy that! Siding with the government of Mexico over against a State government, the suite accuses Arizona of trying to “second guess” the federal government. Officials in Washington claimed on Tuesday that Arizona’s “invalid” law interferes with federal immigration responsibilities and “must…

It’s hot! It’s too hot to do much of anything, including writing a blog. I’ll make this short… Today across much of the country temperatures are again headed into triple digits. From Maine to Texas, from Minnesota to Death Valley and all places in between – it’s a blast furnace. Not only is this weather…

One year from this month, July 2011 President Obama will begin withdrawing U.S. troops from Afghanistan. For good or ill, his campaign promise is now official policy. But critics of the President’s plans are growing more vocal. Afghan Ambassador Said Tayeb Jawad told CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday that the publically stated deadline to…

A massive gun battle between rival drug and migrant trafficking gangs near the U.S. border Thursday has left 21 people dead and at least six others wounded. The fire fight occurred in a sparsely populated area about 12 miles from the Arizona border, near the city of Nogales. The region is a major corridor for…

More than 1.3 million laid-off workers won’t get their unemployment benefits reinstated before the Independence Day holiday weekend. Republicans in the Senate again successfully filibustered a bill Wednesday night that would continue providing unemployment checks to people laid off for long stretches. The House is slated to vote on a similar measure Thursday, though the…

The U.S. Supreme Court dealt a major blow to religious liberty yesterday. In a 5-4 decision the high Court determined that a California law school (Hastings College of Law) can require a Christian group to open its leadership posts to all students, including those who disagree with the organizations statement of faith. At stake here…

The Senate has lost one of its legends.  Robert C. Byrd died around 3 a.m. Monday morning after being admitted to the hospital last week. Byrd was an orphan child who married a coal miner’s daughter and rose from the hollows of West Virginia coal country to become the longest serving senator in U.S. history.…

General Stanley McChrystal, the top U.S. commander and strategist of the Afghan war, is at this moment headed to the White House, resignation at hand to meet with President Barack Obama. McChrystal recently mocked and disparaged the President and his national security team in a Rolling Stone interview. He has apologized and today he’s expected…

Today, June 21, 2010 is summer solstice, the first day of summer, the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, and of course then, the shortest night. From this day forward until December 23rd, the winter solstice, the days will get shorter and the nights longer. Pagans (now neo-pagans) have always given this…

It’s Father’s Day. Bittersweet. My father died a little over two years ago. I miss him. I miss him today. But his absence has given me more appreciation for the gifts he gave me. My father was a great man. Dennis Prager says, “The famous are rarely significant; the significant are rarely famous.” So true…

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