Prayer, Plain and Simple

A line of fast-moving storms hit Chicago today with hurricane force winds. The system, which yesterday produced dozens of tornados in Minnesota – and three known fatalities – blew into the Windy City with equal torrential force.  The line of storms, organized as a ‘bow echo’ on radar, blasted Chicago Land with a wide swath…

U.S. geologists and Pentagon officials have discovered vast mineral wealth in Afghanistan, enough to turn the devistated country into one of the world’s most lucrative mining centers. Gen. David, commander of the United States Central Command said, “There are a lot of ifs, of course, but I think potentially it is hugely significant.” Americans discovered…

A Southern California earthquake with a magnitude of 5.7 shook things up Monday. It shook me up. I’m visiting Los Angeles and on sixth floor of the hotel where I’m staying, yes, it shook me up! The 5.7 magnitude tremor hit around 9:30 PDT with a center 70 miles east of San Diego. Several small…

The ‘Touchdown Jesus’ statue in Ohio was engulfed in flames after a lightning strike late last night.  The six-story-tall depiction of Jesus Christ with his arms raised stood in front of Solid Rock Church along Interstate 75 in Monroe, just north of Cincinnati. It burned to the ground during a thunderstorm. The “King of Kings”…

A 30-second television commercial that ran in the United States during the England-USA soccer match on Saturday has some Catholics up in arms and charging Hyundai, the sponsor, with blasphemy for mocking the core teachings of the church. Other Christians – myself included – take a different view: it’s actually a powerful and convicting –…

Evacuations are under way in some Oklahoma City neighborhoods as residents deal with vicious flash-flooding and scattered power outages. More thunderstorms are heading their way.  Almost 10 inches of rain fell between 2 and 11 a.m. this morning. Another1 to 2 more inches of rain is likely across the region through tonight night, with locally…

Pray for the victims and their families of the Arkansas floods today. Dozens of campers remain missing after the Caddo and Little Missouri rivers were hit with flash floods following heavy rains.  At least 20 people were killed and as many as 40 remain unaccounted for.  The campgrounds, about 75 miles west of Little Rock,…

California has a $20 billion budget deficit – ouch – which may be why Republican voters in the California primary election on Tuesday chose two financial wonderwomen to run for two huge statewide offices. Former eBay chief Meg Whitman won a decisive victory in the Republican primary for California governor – she’ll run against former…

Helen Thomas has “gotten the hell out of Washington” after telling Jews to “get the hell out of Israel.” The now former 89-year old “dean” of the White House press corps has been forced into retirement by Hearst Media after saying that Jews should return “home” to Poland and Germany and to give the land…

An ominous wave of teen suicides swept across Minneapolis and St. Paul last week. My 16 year old son and his friends at Mounds View High School are still reeling. So am I… Because I felt it coming… 20 boys show up on our doorstep late Saturday night. They had made their rounds to 3…

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