Prayer, Plain and Simple

Violent storms tore through the southern Plains yesterday killing five people and injuring many more. Several tornadoes and numerous thunderstorms with powerful straight-line winds flattened homes, toppled semitrailers and downed power lines and trees. The storms ravaged Oklahoma and Kansas, dumping hail as big as baseballs and leaving tens of thousands of people without power.…

Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino is expected to win the presidential election in the Philippines when as many as 85% of the Philippines eligible voters go to the polls today. It’s been a rocky final few days in the presidential campaign. There have been technical problems in the voting system, shootings and bombings in some remote areas,…

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Jesus Christ.” Phillipians 4:6-7 Yesterday afternoon at around 3:00 the Dow Jones Index dropped nearly 1,000 points and the financial…

This morning, I saw several Facebook status update about prayer because today is the National Day of Prayer. Everyone is encouraging each other to pray on this day which I think is a beautiful thing since leading up to today I felt as though there were factions of our nation doing anything but. There has…

Today, Thursday, May 6 is the National Day of Prayer. Once again the issue of faith in the public square is raging in public debate. Two recent decisions have reignited the controversy: Last month, Franklin Graham was “uninvited” by military brass from leading a prayer service today at a military facility. And U.S. District Judge…

I just went out and bought 5 fresh, hand wrapped tamales, all in honor of Cinco de Mayo! Hallelujah for Mexico and a blessed Cinco de Mayo to her and to all Mexicans living home or abroad. You have contributed much to the world, and tamales are the least of these treasures! Today, the 5th of…

It’s a tough day in Nashville. The torrential rains that have swept across the Southern States killing 29 people have hit Tennessee particularly hard. The Cumberland River has flooded and submerged parts of Nashville’s historic downtown. Now rescuers fear more bodies will emerge as muddy flood waters begin to ebb. Let’s join in a pray…

Pope Benedict XVI came close to an outright endorsement of the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin on Sunday. Speaking in Turin, the Italian city where the relic is kept he called the cloth that many believe is Christ’s burial shroud an icon “written with the blood.” Benedict didn’t address the scientific questions and controversies…

Have you heard the one about the rabbi who went to the Vatican to tell the Pope that he has the solution to the sex abuse crises scandalizing the Catholic Church? Catholics should give up giving up fish on Fridays, he said, and instead do Shabbat dinner, the traditional Friday family meal of Jews. No…

I heard yesterday from a friend who confessed that he and his wife are struggling severely in their marriage. He admitted they are considering separation. I’m praying for them today, and with them all those trying to battle through toxic relationships. My prayer for my friends’ marriage is not for a “thunderbolt miracle” from heaven…

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