Prayer, Plain and Simple

Just moments ago BBC reported that Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has announced Iraq’s intelligence team killed Iraqi Al Qaeda leader Abu Ayyub al-Masri. If true this is a significant development in the battle against terrorism and general chaos in Iraq. Let’s redouble our prayers for troubled nation of Iraq. “Father, we pray today for Iraq. This…

Pray today for families who have adopted children from abroad. Early this morning I received and email from friends of ours who are, at this moment en route to a nation on the horn of Africa to bring back to the U.S. two baby girls, sisters. My God’s blessing and favor be with them. God…

We pray today for Iceland. First, there’s an imminent threat of natural disaster. This morning emergency officials, fearing a major eruption of the restless Eyjafjallajokull volcano are evacuating more than 800 citizens. The volcano, 75 miles east of Reykjavik, erupted March 20th after almost 200 years of silence. The volcano sits under a glacier, and…

Another earthquake… This one, between 6.9 and 7.1 in magnitude hit the Qinghai province of China, near Tibet early Wednesday morning. No deaths or injuries have been reported, as yet. Two aftershocks hit within 12 minutes after the initial jolt. “God again we pray for peace following an earthquake. It seems there have been so…

Rumors… and panic in L.A. An email from a friend, who said it came from another friend, and that from another is circulating through Southern California today warning of an imminent earthquake. It reads: “My buddy’s wife works at the seismology dept. in L.A. and they called everyone in today and said get your kids…

Our prayers are with the Polish nation today. In Warsaw, Poles are bidding farewell to President Lech Kaczynski and his wife Maria, who died in a plane crash on Saturday near the Russian city of Smolensk. 96 people, many of them key political leaders, were killed in the accident. The remains of Lech Kaczynski will…

Phil Mickelson won another Green Jacket at the Masters yesterday. He did it in his typical “damn the torpedoes; full speed ahead” style. Mickelson is the “anti-Tiger” in so many ways. And I – with a majority of the rest of the world – was pulling for him all the way! An emotional Mickelson dedicated his victory…

Michele McGinty is a blogger here at Beliefnet on Reformed Chicks Blabbing, who has been struggling with cancer for some time now. We received an update saying that her cancer has returned and it is very aggressive. She is experiencing a great deal of pain and gastrointestinal distress and has asked that we pray for her.…

What voices really haunt the troubled soul of Tiger Woods? On Wednesday Nike released a commercial featuring the voice of Earl Woods, Tiger’s deceased father. In the stark, black-and-white clip, a camera zooms in on Woods who remains silent as a voice-over his father begins, “Tiger, I am more prone to be inquisitive, to promote…

Grandma had it right: Listen to your elders! Research released this week indicates that the elderly are actually smarter when it comes to knowing how to deal with conflicts, uncertainty and change. Imagine that… Age it seems may erode memory, the ability to master trivia, and even reasoning skills. But along with those losses comes…

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