Prayer, Plain and Simple

Rescue teams are still searching for four workers missing in a coal mine where a massive explosion killed 25 miners yesterday at Massey Energy Co.’s huge Upper Big Branch mine about 30 miles south of Charleston. It was the worst U.S. mining disaster in more than 20 years. Officials admitted this morning that chances are…

A 7.2 earthquake epicentered near Mexicali, Mexico struck about 3:40 p.m. Sunday rattling all of Southern California, and setting high rise buildings in Los Angeles and San Diego rocking. There are some reports of damage. This quake was the strongest in a series of tremors that have hit California and Northern Mexico all week. Yes,…

Victims’ lawyers are accusing Pope Benedict of being ultimately responsible for an alleged cover-up of sexual abuse of children by priests. The New York Times reported the Vatican and Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict, were warned about Murphy but he was not defrocked. The Vatican is denying any wrongdoing in its handling of the…

A crowded train speeds toward an open drawbridge. No one on board knows the danger. But from a frosty window on that train one troubled young woman witnesses an act of unimaginable sacrifice. What she sees proves to her that love does exist and that changes her life forever. The film “Most” (the word in…

Topeka? I’ve been to Topeka. It’s dusty and flat and on any given day either too hot or too cold. People from Topeka claim it’s a great place to live; but they admit it’s not much to visit. Here’s to Topeka… On the flip side, I’ve also been to Mountain View, California. I grew up…

Eating chocolate Easter bunnies is good for the soul AND your heart. Research published today in the European Heart Journal shows that one small square of chocolate a day can lower blood pressure and reduce your risk of heart disease. Mmmm! Very, very good news… Researchers in Germany followed 19,357 people, aged between 35 and…

“God, frustrate Iran’s effort to build a nuclear weapon!” Shahram Amiri, an Iranian nuclear scientist, missing since last summer has defected to the U.S. and is assisting the CIA in its efforts to undermine Iran’s nuclear program. That is good news for the world. Iran has defended its nuclear development program and is widely believed…

The “Christian Warriors” are not… NOT Christian… The nine members of this anti-government militia group charged Monday with conspiring to kill a law-enforcement officer in an effort to start a “war” against the U.S. government are NOT Jesus-Followers. Plain and simple, they are “fruitcake-lugnut-apocalyptic-extremists” and true disciples of Jesus should boldly disavow any connection with…

Physicists are looking for God… again. The Hadron Collider, the world’s largest, most powerful particle accelerator called went into action this morning. The drama is playing out – at this moment – inside a 17-mile tunnel on the border between Switzerland and France. The $10 billion research tool is supposed to send proton beams racing…

“Love your enemies,” Jesus said. But what does “love” mean in face of senseless violence? That’s the question pressed by the film “Amish Grace” aired last night on Lifetime Movie Network. The feature is based on the events of the morning of October 2, 2006, when Charles Carl Roberts walked into a one-room schoolhouse in…

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