Prayer, Plain and Simple

At least 37 people have died and were dozens wounded in two explosions that rocked the busy Moscow metro during rush hour this morning. The UK’s Telegraph quotes security sources that suicide bombers from Chechnya were responsible. God, have mercy! Let’s pray for the victims, their families and the nation of Russia in this crisis.…

Last night I had the weirdest dream. Somehow I was presented with the task of disposing of a dead body. I didn’t kill the person, but somehow it became my responsibility to bury them. In my dream I was utterly confused and frustrated that this was my responsibility because I didn’t commit the crime. As…

The Eucharist Diet: I Wait  March 25, 2010 Day 84 Weight: 196 lbs Weight lost: -10 lbs A fitting song lyric by Kathryn Scott… Hungry hungry I come to You for I know You satisfy I am empty but I know Your love does not run dry and I wait and I wait so I…

Joe Mauer is a rich young man. My 12 year old son Michael and 16 year old son Matt and I all huddled around our computer on Monday night watching ESPN’s streaming broadcast of the Mauer new conference announcing his new 8 year contract to play baseball for the Minnesota Twins. Relieved. Befuddled. Awestruck. Proud.…

Sometimes conversations come out of the blue to change our day, even our life perhaps. A moment ago I walked into Caribou Coffee expecting to sit quietly in the corner with a mug of dark roast and plan out my day. But Bill is here, in his own little corner of the shop pouring over…

“Jerusalem is not a settlement. It’s our capital” said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday. He spoke responding to the Obama administration’s sharp criticism over Israel’s recently announced new housing plans for east Jerusalem, the part of the city Palestinians want for a future capital. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton told a crowd at…

The U.S. House of Representatives yesterday passed the so called “Health Care Bill.” Few doubt that some sort of governmental policy change is needed in our country. Too many people have too little access to or pay too high a price for primary health care. The debate of course is over which approach is best…

The Eucharist Diet: Hungry for More  March 21, 2010 Day 80 Weight: 196 lbs Weight lost: -10 lbs We sang this song in church yesterday… Made me hungry! “We are Hungry” by Brad Kilman Lord, I want more of YouLiving water, rain down on meLord, I need more of YouLiving breath of life come fill…

The Eucharist Diet: Continued   March 20, 2010 Day 79 Weight: 196 lbs Weight lost: -10 lbs I have not forgotten; I have not quit. I am continuing my “Eucharist Diet” adventure, my six month experiment taking daily communion and then tracking the results in my personal life, relationships, health, and body fat percentage. I’ve held…

We’re dancing in Minnesota! The Vernal Equinox 2010 arrives today at 12:32 PM central daylight time. It’s now Spring for all of us living in the northern hemisphere, and for those of us way up North this is great hope.   There are signs around that Spring is real. Our days are longer and brighter.…

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