Prayer, Plain and Simple

“The LORD sits enthroned over the flood; the LORD is enthroned as King forever” (Psalm 29:10). Melting snow has pushed the Red River at Fargo, North Dakota to “major flood stage.” The National Guard and an army of volunteers are filling sandbags in anticipation of the flood crest expected sometime in the next two days.…

A Blessed St. Paddy’s Day to Ye! In the book  wrote, “Nine Ways God Always Speaks” Jennifer Schuchmann and I offer the following about Patrick of Ireland’s spiritual contribution to the world:  St. Patrick’s Day in America is merely an excuse for kids to pinch someone not wearing the right color and for adults to drink…

When St. Patrick founded the Christian Church in Ireland he incorporated many redeemable elements of the Celtic culture into the new faith community. For all the centuries since the Celtic picture of Jesus and his Kingdom has added a marvelous mystery to our Christian faith. Here’s an excerpt from the book Jennifer Schuchmann and I…

May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, And the rain fallsoft upon your fields, And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of his hand.          -an old Irish blessing

An earthquake woke Los Angeles and Southern California before dawn this morning. Millions were jolting out of bed by the tremor. While no damage, injuries or power outages have been reported, the fear sparked by an earthquake like this is real, especially in the wake of the recent devastations in Haiti and Chili. Today let’s pray…

Tomorrow is St. Patrick’s Day. The following prayer is often called “St. Patrick’s Breastplate” because it seeks God’s protection in a world of both tangible and invisible dangers. Though Patrick of Ireland lived more than 1500 years ago his prayer asking that God himself would cover him is just as relevant today. Who of us haven’t…

It is one thing to pray for God’s will to be done in your life, but it is quite another to accept His will. Many of us talk a good game about wanting His will for our lives, but once it is revealed, we get scared and we run away from it. We let fear…

Juarez is a war zone. “God, have mercy.” We have friends living and working there, so the news of the murder of an American couple strikes home for us. A few years back our family spent Spring break working in an orphanage in the heart of the sprawling ghetto that is that city. “Father, coddle…

I’m thanking God today for volcanoes, Kona and great coffee. Trivial you say. I don’t think so. A moment ago I stood on the balcony of our hotel on the Big Island of Hawaii looking west over the Pacific Ocean and finished a cup of fresh brewed Kona coffee. I’m still somewhat on Minnesota time,…

I heard today of a friend living in another country who is under investigation by an agency of his government. I grieve for him. The government is accusing him of some sort of financial impropriety. I don’t pretend to understand the issues at stake or the laws he was supposed to have compromised. I do…

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