Prayer, Plain and Simple

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the…

“All your sons and daughters will be taught by the Lord; and great will be your children’s peace” Isaiah 54:13. I have a friend whose child is wandering into dangerous places. There is no deeper pain than for a parent to watch a son or daughter make foolish, life altering choices and to stand by…

My wife and I will be traveling today, flying from our home in St. Paul Minnesota to Hawaii’s big island of Kona. Jill and I both will be attending important meetings there, so there is real business involved. But the fact that there’s still a heavy snowpack on the ground here and in Kona it’s…

Brent and Kelly King of San Diego, California are living every parent’s nightmare. On Tuesday searchers found the body of their 17 year old daughter, Chelsea. She had been raped and then murdered. The following day police arrested John Albert Gardner III, 30, a registered sex offender, and charged him in the case. I can…

I’m meeting a friend for lunch today. He was recently laid off. I’m not quite sure what to say when we meet. I can’t exactly hand in a new job, not exactly at least. What I can promise is that I will pray for and with him. That may sound like a platitude but I…

Facing a job interview can be an ominous and terrifying gauntlet. We’ve all been on the “scrutinized side of the table to face the grilling questions. “So what audacious arrogance leads to you imagine you are qualified for this esteemed position?” “When have you last won the Nobel Prize?” “What petty assets could you possibly…

I have a friend who may be losing his home. Most of us know someone suffering under this crisis. The statistics are daunting. 2 million people are either in default or in immediate risk facing foreclosure. Numbers are one thing; faces and names and real human stories are another. I’m grieving for my friend. I…

The Eucharist Diet: A Gourmet Christian March 2, 2010 Day 60 Weight: 195 lbs Weight lost: -11 lbs I’m meeting my friend Brian in 30 minutes to talk about how to make a feast. Serious. Brian is a professional chef – for real – and he’s something of a genius when it comes to food…

As of today, the “official” U.S. unemployment rate stands at 9.7% but officials are warning of more bad news for February. Estimates are that payrolls fell by another 50,000 last month lifting unemployment to 9.8%. And this does not include the long term unemployed who have stopped looking for work. These are difficult days… God…

Early this morning, an 8.8-magnitude earthquake hit Santiago, Chile. At the writing of this post, the death toll was reported to be at least 147 people, but the numbers are bound to rise. Please join us in prayer for the people of Chile and the surrounding areas which are on tsunami warning. Heavenly Father, We…

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