Prayer, Plain and Simple

Yesterday, Dawn Brancheau, a 40-year old SeaWorld trainer was killed by Shamu, the park’s captive killer whale. Please join us in prayer for Dawn’s family and friends in their time of loss and also pray for every trainer who works with animals at all SeaWorld locations and zoos across the country and the world. Heavenly…

Alex Ness is a writer, poet, and social critic. Recently Alex interviewed me about my book, The Karma of Jesus. Here are some excerpts: AN: If Karma isn’t necessarily correct, it is at least a more consciously moral way to live than Christianity.  How many wars were fought over Karma versus say, doctrinal difference or…

At this very moment there are thousands of people across the United States taking the Bar Exam. Each of those people have studied and sacrificed for the past several months just to get them to this very moment, a 2-day exam that will test their proficiency in the law. I found a wonderful prayer for the…

February 23, 2010 Day 53 Weight: 195 lbs Weight lost: -11 lbs   I’m down 11 pounds… Not bad! Not done, but not bad… There’s a land of milk and honey, and I want to live there and enjoy the feast! In the Bible this was a place, an actual location on the planet. Today…

Alex Ness is a writer, poet, and social critic. Recently Alex interviewed me about my book, The Karma of Jesus. Here are some excerpts: AN: Can a Christian believe in Karma too? MH: I think Christians have to believe in the verdict that Karma levels against us: we screw up and we have to pay…

John Wesley’s “Covenant Prayer” is a prayer used for the renewal of the believer’s Covenant with God. It is often recited in special worship services, but is also a wonderful expression for individuals who want to affirm their commitment to God. I am no longer my own, but thine. Put me to what thou wilt,…

February 18, 2010 Day 48 Weight: 197 lbs Weight lost: -9 lbs   I’m giving up austerity for Lent. My impulse to beat myself-up in order to win God’s favor seems to die hard.  So I’m tackling this with a diet of joy, supplemented by a daily dose the Lord’s Supper. The original Christians didn’t…

Is it possible to discover God in a short stack of pancakes or cloud formation or in a paint smudge on the sidewalk? Some people believe it is. has created a new photo gallery called “Seeing Jesus (and Mary) in Food and Other Objects” Check it out. It’s a fascinating question – the power…

February 18, 2010 Day 48 Weight: 197 lbs Weight lost: -9 lbs   “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust…” Fire makes ashes. And how do we fight fire? With… water. Specifically we fight fire with the waters of baptism. Fire burns and leaves behind only ashes and dust. But water cleanses and brings life and…

Alex Ness is a writer, poet, and social critic. Recently Alex interviewed me about my book, The Karma of Jesus. Here are some excerpts: AN: Have you considered whether or not this treatment by you of Karma is just another in a long line of attempts by Christians to co-opt powerful, indigenous positive moral structures…

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